Major Update “Hornet's Sting” — DEV Server Changelog (10.03.2025)

Don’t the typhoons all get identical a2g or something?

A few

Not as good as the flanker though. That thing fully ID’s jets

Yet not the French when from what I’ve gathered Rafale should be very good at IDing thingos.

That i think has been nerfed a bit down to preset categories. Of course the weakest is the Typhoon

Well NCTR is heavily classified on NATO stuff. So I guess it sort of makes sense it’s worse since there wouldn’t be as much info to go off of

Unless it has been reverted, Su 30 only IDs engine layout.

Checked, only IDs layout.

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Wasn’t that the F-15? Swear I saw a video of Su-30 with “F-18” above radar lock box

Look at above ^

It was changed.

When? Didn’t they just add NCTR?

“Dev server is subject to change”

Su 30 was the first to receive it, on the dev servers prior. Now it has changed.

Britain EFT GPS guided ordnance. Both of which are also laser guided.

It’s annoying we don’t get access to the 1000lb GPS guided bombs Germany and Italy do. I hate their cherry picking

(Let alone the missing 2k GPS guided bombs)

Wierd. Should probably be fixed

No fun for the pommies, only allowed their historical armament.

Looking at Germany’s Brimstones.

The mk84 JDAM not being there isn’t exclusive to UK

Buggered if I know, my care for German air platforms stops at 1945 lol

At least they are actually buying brimstones. Only Britain and Saudi arabian iirc. own PW4s

Doesn’t even make sense because Germany and Italy both get LJDAM’s which do the same thing. They should’ve have historical loadouts from the start