This is why I assumed it was a hard requirement. Tornado Gr4 with built in FLIR, needs TPod with all GPS weapons
But why would GPS guided stuff even need a TGP?
Wonder if it’s an attacker limitation. Would be very odd, but not the first odd thing in this game
To designate the target without being able to “punch GPS coordinates in manually”
Maybe they let F-15 and F-16 do this since they are able to “punch in” coordinates straight from cockpit, while Gr4 may need to do it through pod or something.
EFT suffers the targeting pod limitation as well. I find this dubious cause at best.
Can EFT manually punch in coordinates?
Nope, not as far as I am aware. I think Fluffy is right. If its pure GPS guided weapon like GBU-39s, it doesnt need a tpod. If its GPS+Laser it needs a tpod because it has a laser option
So would be nice to have either pure GPS versions of GPS+Laser weapons or for GPS+Laser weapons to be usable without a tpod, but of course, no laser designation (perhaps just give a warning when equipping that loadout, but no hard restriction)
Yes. Was described several times in Typhoon by Mike Sutton which covered events in Op Shader
Remember that LJDAM product card I sent in typhoon thread? Has something about being able to carry LJDAM even without a laser pod iirc
I’m always right, just ask me.
Input by aircrew right before launch, or by ground crew?
I think this isnt a IRL thing, but a game thing
Laser = Tpod
doesnt matter if the laser guided weapon has other modes of operation
Bug report it
Imputted by the pilot. PW4s should also have DL allowing for GPS coordinates to be updated in mid-flight but thats been denied
I’ll enquire with Gunjob tomorrow I think. He’ll know. I want to say this was discussed when the GR4 was added, but I dont recall if there was any answer
Look at teh new Italian tornado. LJDAMs require pod, base JDAM does not. So it appears that’s the issue. If laser then require target pod.
Nice. Hopefully it gets fixed. At least it won’t really matter until buddy lasing is added, since who DOESNT use regular JDAMs?
Su-30sm get added new NCTR identification categories. Detailed all planes.
Other craft get it too or russian bias?