Major Update “Hornet's Sting” — DEV Server Changelog (10.03.2025)

I made a new report for the MLU. It can carry two EBGU24 as per the photo. In this configuration there is no laser pod but the bombs are guided by gps.



The issue becomes how to designate the GPS coordinates without a tpod. Might be possible via the map target system these days, but Im not sure you would achieve the level of accuracy needed to properly use them nor whether they would allow it.

They’ll probably maintain the requirement for the Tpod, preventing 2 from being taken.

So I guess the website from the Royal Air Force is fake right? Mach 1.8 is fake right? Just making a point here.


There are planes already with JDAMs which have no TGP, like the F-15C.

But it being also laser guided might make this an issue, as I’ve seen that in loadouts with LGBs without designator (sometimes loadouts are broken on the dev initially) the game gives you a laser designator anyways, which has full spherical coverage even (seen this on the F-111F when it was added). So it’d be a technical game issue preventing it rather, but I don’t know if the same issue applies to DMLGBs.

I don’t know if it’s fixed already, but if not, the F/A-18C late on the dev has a LJDAM loadout without TGP, so you could test if the same problem still exists.


Just like other JDAM bombs, the EBG24 could potentially be used without a pod. This configuration could be considered, as there is already an existing setup with three GBU-31s without a laser pod for the MLU. Many other aircraft also use JDAMs without pods.

In the game, the EBG24 has the following guidance: Laser + IOS + GNSS.

If a JDAM in the game, which uses GNSS, can be deployed without a pod, then it is reasonable to assume that the EBG24, which supports both laser and GPS guidance, could also function in a similar way.


Hu… my bad. Didnt realise they allowed that. figured it was a hard requirement. Even in the GR4 with a built in FLIR is required to take a tpod for its GPS guided weapons.

In that case, i’ll upvote that bug report and perhaps we can get 2x EGBU-24Bs on the GR4 too

Will we keep getting more drop tanks for existing aircraft families this update or the next? I like this for custom loadouts, cinematics, and general LARPing.


any update on a200c maw pod? additionally are we going to get the lizards and other EGBUs?

Could you help me to find those sources from where the devs justify the changes on the EF g limit, AoA, thrust to weight ratio and Flight performance changes in general? Please.

Also, can you help me to find the same sources that support the rafale in-game flight model to be able to reach mach 2?

Edit: Also, you stated that “All changes are based on sources or historical information” there is a lot of sources and historical information abount brimstones fnf capabilities, but in game it is different.

I know the brimstone thing isnt a subject of this update (should be fixed though) but that´s what happens when you let issues sink another issues, I mean, BI stills at 6.7 and that thing is from 2020, when I started again to play this.

Thank you for your time and I really hope only for the sources of the EF and the Rafale, thank you.

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great! thanks for all your reports bro

i hope they will implement my reports
no need to say thank you, i do it for the community.

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How are these guided without a pod ingame? Do they just guide to a target point designated in third person?

a video on youtube can explain better than me for sure

@Smin1080p_WT Will the Rafale get NCTR?

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Could you help me to find those sources from where the devs justify the changes on the EF g limit, AoA, thrust to weight ratio and Flight performance changes in general? Please.

Also, can you help me to find the same sources that support the rafale in-game flight model to be able to reach mach 2?

Also, I see that in the bunderswehr page the top speed of EF2000 is 2.35M, so there we need a better way to get something that can be used in-game, not just “realistic or balance” but a mix of both, and that should be accepted for the community instead of just implementing it and then change it (turret basket for example)

Thank you for your time and I really hope only for the sources of the EF and the Rafale, thank you.

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I hope with the F/A-18C getting GBU-54s the F-16C and F-15E can finally get them as well at some point.

GPS weapons can be targeted without pod. But if it has laser, they add target pod so you can use the laser targeting functionality, even if you don’t plan on it. “Activate target point” gives you a position that it will strive to hit, with or without a pod.

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Just figured they would maintain the hard requirement for a tpod thats all. Interesting they allow some aircraft to run gps guided weapons without a tpod.

F16C → can utilise GBU 39 and 38 without pod
F15E → ^
F15C → can utilise GBU 31 without pod
EFT → cannot utilise gps without pod
Su30 SM → Can utilise all bar the laser guided ones without TPOD.
Jas 39 → Can utilise all GPS weapons without pod
Rafale → Can utilise GPS weapons without targeting pod*
M2KD-RMV → Can utilise GPS weapons without targeting pod

Ignored attackers with in built targeting systems.
*Rafale does kind of have an inbuilt targeting system but I have no clue what to class this as

Make of this information what you will, I don’t know how to make a chart in this forum thing.