Major Update “Hornet's Sting” — DEV Server Changelog (10.03.2025)

There is not. Simply you read too much into it.

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It’s just as simple as the CAPTOR is underperforming a lot.

The Harriers are also underperforming compare to the only source of their performance.

It’s impossible to have conflicting sources if there is only one source.

so about the aim-9M on the F14B

Then can we expect pirority track in a timely fashion or, as the Typhoon is now an “old vehicle” the majority of the dev time is being given to the SU-30SM and F-18s arriving this major update?

There are multiple public sources on the Harriers flight performance. This is how the aircraft have been configured.

Please remain on subject as this has now strayed far off.

Its not something planned for this major update, which is the subject of this topic.

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I have proven that the aircraft underperforms to all the public sources available.

There is only 1 E-M diagram that is even known about for the Harrier 1.

There are many bug reports on this. Many of them have become quite old now.

So the aircraft has actually been configured based on the developers personal opinion of the aircraft and not the public information.


I have asked already for this to be kept relevant to the subject as a feedback thread for the current major in testing on the dev server, as it has already strayed off. Please feel free to take Harrier discussions elsewhere (as there are other relevant threads already on Harrier).

This will be a final warning.


Which circles me back to my earlier statement then.

Its frustrating the Typhoon is getting so little dev time this major update because its not “the new aircraft” and thus we’ll have to put up with its buggy and woefully underperforming nature for a good long while whislt defending against Rafales and Su-30SMs which radars have locked on with total ease and maintain the track without issue.

Typhoon came in a rushed update, got basically no fixes following the update and is now on the back burner.


For mods, I wanna ask, for dev server, is it possible in future to allow access to squadron vehicles, cause currently u can only use it with default ammunitions, and can’t take it to battles unless u have like 10k GE.

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This is not the case at all. Typhoon has been worked on constantly since the last major update. From its MAWS, Radar and many other aspects.

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what about tomcat fixes weve been waiting far longer
like reduced smoke aim54C
9M on f14B
9L on f14A


So since 2020?


MAWS is appreciated (though could be argued should have been added/fixed at the end of 2023 when MAWS was added on the Gr7) , but areas of most notable concern, like the major bug fixes for the radar like adding Priority Track or GMTI have not yet come and major issues like ahistorical A2G loadouts have been totally ignored.

Again, frustrating the Soviets are getting another KH-38 slinger and we cant even get (SAL) Brimstone 2s which the Typhoon actually used

Smoke on AIM-54 is an issue with an open report under investigation.

Weaponry selections are not bugs, bug suggestion. Down to the balance of an aircraft and are decided upon by the developers .

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clear bias for russia there

No danger zone only came out in 2022

The most major bug fixes and corrections to the radar have been resolved for this major update. That’s precisely what was corrected.

It seems you don’t wish to “count” that, but that does not mean it didn’t happen.

As has already been explained many aircraft do not currently have GMTI. Priority track does not yet exist in game as a radar mode.

Lets please move the topic on rather than go round and round in circles.

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can i get some info on how they decided this im not blaiming you im just tired of this back and foward no coms the 9M is on multiple other 13.0 planes at the BR russians get R73 on SU33 at same br with better FM and R27ER same withe mig 29G which has about eqaul FM with R27er and R73

and we could move this to a private chat if thats more convinenant i dont have a preference

F-14 was moved up in BR as its efficiency was too high on its previous BR. New missiles are typically added when an aircraft is less ideal to move down, but requires an increase in efficenency only when it is not performing sufficiently.

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