As he said they are mainly focused on new planes this update (buffs rafale vigorously)
Its a shame that didnt apply to it last major update when it was added
The focus for EFT was addressing the many reports on the radar, which has several key improvements and upgrades this major.
Priority track doesn’t exist for any radar yet, not just EFT. GMTI remains to be added for many aircraft.
Which, based upon what i’ve seen so far on the dev server. has yet to be implemented. TWS can barely locate and track the Mig-15s orbiting in the test flight.
Priority Track could be implemented using the same code being refined for the AESA radars and would function much the same. So it does exist on multiple radars such as the Su–34, Rafale and Kfir C10
Yes, GMTI remains to be added but the assumption for why it was removed was because of an overhaul needed for how GMTI is modeled/implemented, the fact the Su-30 is being added with it suggests that any issues delaying it being re-added (it was available on the dev server for both the Typhoon and Rafale) should have now been addressed and it could and should be re-added.
will tomcat finally get AIM-9M this update ? B model not A
It has been implemented. Many of the “MiG-15 issues” were them simply notching the aircraft.
@Gunjob Has also tested extensively.
Its not the same. EFT does not have an AESA.
Given the Blue Vixen doesnt struggle to the same degree that the CAPTOR-M does. I do not beleive it is entirely the case.
So, does this mean we can assume it will never be added?
This has not been said at all.
A could also carry 9M
idk i only have the fact the B has it if you have any files on it let me know
There is implication in the statement.
Priority track provides (for all intent and purposes) the same functionality that AESA radars have for maintaining track on up to 20 different targets (air or ground and at the same time if needed)
The same code being applied to the AESA radars could be applied to the CAPTOR-M and would function 90% correctly, just needing tweaks for how many targets could be tracked at once.
This would also deal with the TWS tracking issues if the radar is maintaining good track of anything within its FoV using priority track
If the AESA code cannot be applied because CAPTOR-M is Mechanical radar, then it will need its own custom code, which we will probably be waiting for a good long while (looking at Tornado Slat code)
would this buff tomcat ?
thanks ill save that
If it has a priority track mode similar to that of the CAPTOR-M, maybe.
i believe D might not sure but tomcat is able to track numerous targets
I like this for a changeup.
The difference might be whether or not the F-14s radar can continue to track targets outside its designated FoV
“High priority tracks will continue to be tracked even if they leave the scan volume defined by the pilot”
CAPTOR-M was able to move at 333°/sec to quickly “jump” to the track, update it, and then return to its TWS scan pattern.