No didn’t you hear new planes for this update are the devs main focus
It’s already been accepted?
American mains get special treatment
But forwarded doesn’t mean they’ll do it, necessarily
Oh if that was the case I must be getting left out.
Same lol
I’ve had reports for Britain since the first dev server still go unanswered
Gaijins all like let’s add thrust vectoring and a cobra button and than not give it to the first family of planes to do it.
Didn’t they implement it with this new dev server?
Nope nor did they fix the sustained turn rate or the HUD
Or the flaps
The flaps report is several months old
Oh i have my share of month old Reports. Atleast the one I am most interested in was accepted. But coming onto half a year for a minor change I am not expecting any action till 2028.
lol very fair however an aircraft families entire flight model being completely wrong is not a small inaccuracy.
I have them the E-M diagram they buffed the plane but they didn’t bother to do it properly and it still under performs
Yeah no the inaccuracy I am most interested in fixing deals with the AGM-65E2. It’s lock range is too short.
Love my fire and forget tank busters
It’s not a fire and forget model but the Laser.
I see
Yeah right now they are completely useless unable to be fired until you are 10km from a target. The E2 had a dSAL which increased increased the lock and accuracy of the missile. So it should have been as simple of a fix as change 10000 to 23000. But here we are.
Yeah that one might never get fixed unless enough complain
And I wonder if the harrier will ever get buffed prolly not as the MIG-21 will be near useless against it
Yeah and with it being a laser unit not a FnF no one really cares.
That case, please explain the changes on the R-DARTER that was taken from a non-official 3rd party source?
EDIT : There is also the Gripen turn rate that got pulled in twice after release as it was too agile comparing to the rest of the air at the time.
For me, want Litening AT instead Litening II on F/A-18C Late (USMC) in dev server
AN/ASQ-228 ATFLIR on F/A-18E late (Block II)
But F/A-18A+ (2004) with AN/ASQ-228 ATFLIR pod and dumb bombs ? 🧐