Major Update “Hornet's Sting” — DEV Server Changelog (10.03.2025)

@Smin1080p_WT Will the current Captor-M radar in the dev be the final result? Because TWS+ is still performing quite poorly.

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is the f-14b gonna get its aim9ms and aim7ps or no?


We’ll probably see it soon enough after hornets sting

What’s the new shell on the Arkhangelsk look like?

Stop nerfing Typhoon!!!


And buff the sea harrier Britains other mainstay fighter

4th dev server and still no Ariete armor fix how can you sell the premium version


Based on the chally, don’t ask them to fix armour on account of the premium.

They’ll make it worse 😿



I have to disagree with that since IRL EF can have at least like AOA 30 to 40 degrees
EF isn’t pulling way worst after the rn
Furthermore, the reference of the report that Rafale can go so called Maxi mach 2 is vague that in what situation will Rafale can reach Mach2. Mach 2 isn’t a practically Mach number Refale can reach
Gaijin is super bias on French omg

Please stop over nerfing EF and over-buffing the Refale
The report of the change didn’t tell clearly in what only case can Refale reach Mach2
Mach 2 for Rafale isn’t practical
The common consent between countries and partiers is just Mach 1.8

Here pretty soon rafale will be better than eft lol

German mains are back at it seems like, well it’s fun to look at.

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Why gajin forgot AIM-9M for the F-14B ?

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One small question: will Thailand get KAI T-50TH Golden Eagle in near future?

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@Smin1080p_WT Hey Smin, I was curious if you know if the J-11B’s radar is an exact copy of the N001 or if there is any changes to its general performance like its ability to get and maintain a track etc.

it was my only hope

All changes are based on sources or historical information. If you have information to state otherwise, please feel free to report it. We dont “nerf” and “buff” planes without material to suggest a change.


Hey, what about returning researched XP from J-11A since that plane moved to folder and half the researched?


Smin2160p, AIM-9M for muh F-14B pl0x?