Major Update “Hornet's Sting” — DEV Server Changelog (10.03.2025)

The FRS.1 Squadron vehicle will be a better 11.0 “premium” after the Harrier buffs go live.

The Harrier is STILL lacking in STR and max usable AOA and is also missing its EEGS yet with the Buffs it has just gotten its superior to the likes of the F-5C

At 20,000 feet I was able to out turn an F8 crusader when I was loaded with 50% fuel and 4 missiles. Its still almost 1 G short in STR when compared to the E-M chart.

All this when the virtual instructor is limited to just 16.5 degrees AOA or so compared to the 20+ the Harrier can comfortably do IRL.

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that USS Bagley was DD-386 or FF-1069? )

DD-386, you can play it allready on the Live server

I feel that Italy did not needed 2x 11.7 premiums but definitely France needed one.

nice how my question is being ignored over and over again at least we get some fixes

She’s finally out of her game files prison! :D

Italy having second rank VII premium is fine, it isn’t the only nation with a few rank VII premiums. Also a lack of Certezza wouldn’t magically bring a French premium tank.
They should pay more attention to lacking countries though yeah, like adding French top tier premium tank, implement more squadron vehicles for countries which still have 1 or none and etc.

So like
You make a post about this
Not as detailed as the reports I wrote
You made the post 3 days ago
Gets looked at and approved
I’m not trying to be rude but how does this work?
When we make reports is it designed to be automatically shot down if it’s anyone that’s not a mod of some sort makes the report?
Does it also get automatically shot down if it doesn’t fit the narrative the game is currently at?

If you could explain the secrets to getting things changed it would be greatly appreciated

They did say it was coming at some point, even before adding the Pantsir-S1.

Honestly it would’ve been more fair to the other countries to give the USSR tree the 9A331 launcher vehicle for the «Tor-M1» system at the same time as China, instead of waiting to instead give them the 72V6E combat vehicle for the «Pantsir-S1» system which has no single-vehicle analogues in other countries, but Gaijin gonna Gaijin.

Oh, i have no insight into how the Technical Moderators operate, we do not get any differential treatment when making reports/suggestions/etc.

I have several reports that have yet to be looked at since several months back:
I have more but you get the point :P
Same goes for all the standard “not a bug” , duplicate , never answered but fixed in an update anyway , etc.

For the AoA thing i searched on the Reporting site but couldn’t see that anyone else had made one for the JAS39’s so i made my own.

Do you have links to those reports? I would personally like to see the info in them for the JAS39 AoA things at least :)

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It was the for type 10 and TKX. I could probs scrounge for aircraft, I have in the past but it never gets worked on, and it’s a lot of work. I’m also just focusing on one thing at a time
Rn it’s the TKX and Type 10
Model inaccuracies
Armor inaccuracy
Agility inaccuracy
Basically everything with those 2 tanks is incorrect and has been left in a poor state
Quick example
Length of the tank in game is inaccurate
Width is too
Height is as well
Acceleration is inaccurate
Minimum reload is 1.6s not 4.0s
The bulldozer is explicitly stated in the JASDF field manuals to be 1.5 tons in game adding the dozer to either TKX variant adds no weight
Despite reducing the size of the vehicle and doubling the weight and amount of composite the TKX has less armor than the type 90 which is incorrect
Further explanation and proof comes from the JASDF early 2000’s field manual tests demonstrating armor withstood multiple rounds of the type 10 round (which is also inaccurate)

Autoloader isn’t modeled correctly in game either.

If you have discord I could send you the report I wrote up and submitted before I got banned

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oh :(

What I meant about the Type 10 round being inaccurate
Further explanation
DM53 came before the type 10 round
DM53 was studied and the type 10 was produced to be just as good if not better than the dm53 round
Which is stated in those field tests as well

If you have reports that have not been looked at for a long time you could message a Technical Moderator and ask them about it. You can find them in this list of moderators: (Who is who and Reporting Procedure)

Stona_WT ----> ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

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It’s not even realistic, considering there are parts that SHOULD be reduced spall. I’m curious why Gaijin has elected not to implement this feature on USSR vehicles, rather than just Western ones

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Thank you guys^^ Now if i could actually have this guy that would be awesome, The J9 was in swedish service just like the J20, only difference the J9 doesent suck :3

Cmon I’m on mah knees hereee, give us a tech tree J9, the J9 “early” is a afterwar modification for photo recon, the actual in-game aircraft you have is the S9C!

Please just give me my beloved J9, i dont care if you make it a paid premium just give me it ;v; Its my favourite aircraft

Hope to see the fkn leopard rotation limit reversed. There is absolutely no reason for it. Wild af you have implemented this into the game.

Best update we’ve gotten in quite a while except for one glaring issue (naval DM changes)

With a tech mod spearing the postponement or outright removal of those changes. With any luck they wont come, or at least wont come in their current state

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