Major Update “Hornet's Sting” — DEV Server Changelog (10.03.2025)

i’m imagining it and its something I needed yesterday LOL

What I need is the Tigre HAD/E for this Lineup, RIP BO 105 PAH-1A1 2018-2025
snail gib… my Money is ready for an Day 1 Purchase…


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New Addtions:

Great Britain

  • Harrier T.10 (Pack)


  • Type 74 Red Star (Pack)


  • VT-5 (Squadron Vehicle)


  • USS Colorado


  • The “Collections” button has been moved from the Shop dropdown menu to the Player Profile.
  • The vehicle context menu has received a more modern look.

Game Mechanics:

  • MAWS countermeasure release logic has been changed. Now, MAWS releases either flares or chaff depending on the information acquired from the RWR.

No Russian Tor m1… Sad times :( XD

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russia is the last nation in WT which needs another High BR sam


In your opinion, still a BR gap to be filled and it’s already modelled in game, easy addition especially with the F18 coming to an already overcrowded CAS pool of aircraft.


USS Colorado still has the broken 0.1 shots per day reload, and the rest of the American Battleships still retain it as well.

However, it was proven via bug report many months ago that all of these excessively slow reloads are wrong.

Can we not expect a fix as to making these ships slightly less painful to play with?

Also, I can see Colorado’s elevators, much like Amagi’s, are being wrongly modelled as turrets. Could t his be forwarded? Although I don’t expect a fix, just like Amagi… but still worth a shot;

I really would like to play with these ships, but given their poor implementation, there is little to no reason to use them…


I wish it was a GE premium :c
Still a nice addition even though it has some model inaccuracies.

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I believe this is an error as bagley was added last update


Yeah and that gap should be all the way at the bottom of the priority list.

Stona sry for the Ping i wanted to ask if we get the Spall Liner for the PzH 2000 this patch or at least a better round thats already ingame Community Bug Reporting System
Community Bug Reporting System

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Harrier T10 needs BOL or to be 11.0 as its effeciency is no higher than the Sea Harrier FRS1 with its buffs


Small edit to changelog:


  • MAWS countermeasure release logic has been changed. Now, MAWS releases either flares or chaff depending on the information acquired from the RWR.


  • EF-2000, Typhoon FGR.4, F-2000A, Rafale C F3, A-10C, Harrier GR.7 — MAWS countermeasure release logic has been changed. Now, MAWS releases either flares or chaff depending on the information acquired from the RWR.

Will the Japanese Tech tree gets its 14.0 plane this update?

Right now it has a 14.0 plane sitting at 13.7 cause they haven’t given it its correct BR yet.

The F-15J?

The JM, yes.
Only 2 of the 5 AIM-120 F-15s were moved up.
Coincidentally, it was the 2 that are the F-104 to the F-4E, in this case it’s F-15E to F-15C.
An increase in speed for overall worse flight performance.
Otherwise identical kit.

No Swiss F-18 surprise 😭

Removed obvious error:

  • USS Bagley


Gaijin lost me 100% with not letting the T.10 have BOLs.

Just… seriously? :)