Major Update “Hornet's Sting” — DEV Server Changelog (10.03.2025)

Appears NCTR now appears on Su 30 SM radar MFD in the lower right corner.

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will this issue be fixed in major update?This issue has been accepted for six months now and is not a difficult problem to solve. T-72B’s roof have no thickness // // Issues


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Just got a dev server update

So it seems like they “fixed” N001 for once, or at least made it better.
In TWS on live it scans lines top to bootm, then bottom back to top.
On current dev it does a full scan top to bottom and jumps straight back to the top line, then repeats (as it does IRL afaik). Well thats something.

The same exact change was also applied to 16C and 15E, most likely some others aswell.

Update for changelog:

Ground Vehicle model, damage model, characteristic and weaponry changes:

  • Type 5 Chi-Ri — the armor thickness of the rearmost section of the turret sides has been decreased from 50 mm to 35 mm. The armor thickness of the underside and bottom of the sponsons has been decreased from 20 mm to 12 mm. (Report).

  • Daimler Mk II — the amount of ammunition for the machine gun has been increased from 675 to 2700 rounds. Source: AFV-035D Daimler AC Handbook.

  • 2C — the thickness of the 75 mm gun barrel armor has been decreased from 40 mm to 30 mm to match thicknesses of other 75 mm guns.

  • PLZ05 — anti-air machine gun is now controlled by the loader and not the commander.

  • TKX, Type 10, TKX (P) — unique track model has been added. (Report).

  • ADATS (M113) — the mistakenly present ability to turn on neutral gear has been removed. M113 vehicles do not have this ability.

  • Ha-Go, Ha-Go Commander — vehicle mass has been reduced from 7.7 tons to 7.46 tons. (Report).

  • I-Go Ko — vehicle mass has been increased from 11.1 to 12.7 tons. (Report).

  • Chi-Ha Kai (all variants) — vehicle mass has been increased from 14.8 tons to 15.8 tons. (Report).

  • Chi-Ha Short Gun, Chi-Ha — vehicle mass has been increased from 14.8 tons to 15.3 tons. (Report).

  • Ke-Ni — vehicle mass has been increased from 7.0 to 7.2 tons. (Report).

Aircraft and helicopter model, damage model, characteristic and weaponry changes:


  • MiG-21PFM, MiG-21 SPS-K — ballistic computer for the rockets and guns has been removed. (Report).


  • A bug that caused laser designators to originate from the center of the aircraft rather than the optics has been fixed. (Report).

Naval fleet model, damage model, characteristic and weaponry changes:

Naval weaponry:

  • The ballistic model of shells with a caliber of 100 mm and higher has been corrected. Air resistance calculations on the whole flight path has been improved. Projectiles lose speed more correctly at medium and long range. Most projectiles now have a higher trajectory.

  • The dispersion parameters of most guns with a caliber of 100 mm and higher have been corrected.

  • 330 mm OPF Mle 1935 — projectile type has been changed from SAPCBC to APCBC.

Naval characteristics, physics and damage model:

  • The final number of destroyed sections required to lose unsinkability and their durability is to be determined, including during the dev server.

  • It should also be noted that on the dev server there will be no indication of the integrity of the sections of your ship as the interface is in development. But players will be able to assess the damage inflicted on the enemy: under the hit camera you can see a new element reflecting each section of the enemy ship and its condition.

Economy and research

  • The F-14A Early and F-14B have been grouped together.

  • The J-11 and J-11****A have been grouped together.

  • J35D — Battle Rating has been decreased from 10.7 to 10.3 in Simulator Battles.


  • R2Y2 Kai V1 — with the release of the 2nd major update of 2025 (2.47), a task to receive an additional camouflage will be changed to match the aircraft class. The base bombing condition will be replaced with enemy aircraft destruction. (Report).

  • R2Y2 Kai V1 — the task for obtaining the additional camouflage has been changed to be more relevant to the aircraft. To obtain the camouflage, players need to destroy enemy players instead, not bomb bases. (Report). The progress of the old task will be transferred to the new one, so some players will receive the camouflage immediately.

  • Tempest Mk.V with the release of the 2nd major update of 2025 (2.47) a task to receive an additional camouflage will be changed to match the aircraft class. The vehicle destruction condition will be replaced with enemy aircraft destruction.

  • Tempest Mk.V — the task for obtaining the additional camouflage has been changed to be more relevant to the aircraft. To obtain the camouflage, players need to destroy enemy players instead, not ground / naval targets. The progress of the old task will be transferred to the new one, so some players will receive the camouflage immediately.

  • F117 — the task for obtaining the additional camouflage has been changed. Currently, the task to destroy players can only be completed effectively in Ground Realistic and Ground Simulator Battles. To obtain the camouflage, you will need to destroy ground vehicles (AI controlled and players). The change will come into effect 2 weeks after the release of update 2.45, since the values ​​​​for obtaining the camouflage will get higher. Instead of 570 players with standard multipliers of 4/5/9, it will now be 1720 ground vehicles with standard multipliers of 2/3/3.

  • Ar 196 A-5 (Sweden) — the task for obtaining the additional camouflage has been changed based on the aircraft’s capabilities (small bomb load). To obtain the camouflage, players need to destroy ground or surface vehicles (AI controlled and players), not bomb bases. The progress of the old task will be transferred to the new one, so some players will receive the camouflage immediately.


  • The appearance of the Premium Account purchase window has been updated.

Great change


Lmao so after i make a report that you guys forgot to drop the J 35D from 10.7 sim BR to 10.0 since you guys moved the sim BR of the J 35XS to 10.3 you decide to put them at the same BR, did you guys literally forget that the J 35XS is better? What kind of balance is that?


Where A10C apkws ccip fix?


Can this be considered for all ground attack aircraft?

Or destroying bases?


Yeah, forcing ARB Attacker enjoyer to dogfight against enemy player, while in IL-10 or Tornado IDS is a bit goofy I think. XD

Especially when those planes act inferior to Fighters in the same BR in dogfight.


Where MAWs modules on new j-11B? He have same module J-11A, but I see only back plane.


Compare how it’s look on J-11A


@Stona_WT @Smin1080p_WT Can you help me with this please?
Thank you for your time.

now move it to 14.0

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All the sources used for this change to the Rafale are quoted in the report.

Thank you, I just find those.
Where are the ones related with the EF?

No clue for the eurofighter.

Maybe that´s why some people is mad.
I´m gonna keep asking, but thank you for your answer.

Reported an issue regarding SU 30 SM trying to fall into a hover in some circumstances that locks up control surfaces similar to a harrier with high angles on the nozzles. Not written the best but oh well.

Any word on when the update will be out? The Dev server is offline waiting update