Where MAWs modules on new j-11B? He have same module J-11A, but I see only back plane.
Compare how it’s look on J-11A
Where MAWs modules on new j-11B? He have same module J-11A, but I see only back plane.
Compare how it’s look on J-11A
now move it to 14.0
Thank you, I just find those.
Where are the ones related with the EF?
No clue for the eurofighter.
Maybe that´s why some people is mad.
I´m gonna keep asking, but thank you for your answer.
Reported an issue regarding SU 30 SM trying to fall into a hover in some circumstances that locks up control surfaces similar to a harrier with high angles on the nozzles. Not written the best but oh well.
Any word on when the update will be out? The Dev server is offline waiting update
I thought dev was supposed to stay up till the 13th?
gib blue angels skin for every US hornet in game pls:3
VERY sweet, thank you! Now, I look forward to Colorado (and Naval in general) more.
I already tested the new dispersion- shells now actually land around the areas you aim at, it’s beautiful!
Ah, very good change! Now I regret not having grinded Strasbourg because of that :')
It will probably be less than 25 GJCN on the market for a while
And you’re not missing out on anything, from what i’ve heard, with the Dunkerque, you spend most of the time either fixing your ship after being ammo-racked or fixing your destroyed turret
And the Strasbourg has been nerfeed on the dev server, the main bulhead in front of the first turret went from 260mm to 228mm,so the armor increase over the Dunkerque isn’t actually that significant now
I had the excuse of it being one of my favourite vessels to just GE it, now it’s looking like it wasn’t a total waste \o/
One more dtamine with kh-59, russian missle.
TV and IR long range missiles, with 30km buffed TRP is fine but unguided Taurus(or nato analog) is not planed
Weird. They have been reported 2 days ago and are already fixed?
Not complaining but usually that takes a lot longer and there are many month or year old reports that haven’t even been accepted yet.
It feels like some old reports are just forever going to be forgotten.
Still waiting for British .303 Browning MGs to get their unhistorically bullets removed and velocities fixed :/
I also have a report about Browning Aircraft MGs that should have their RoF increased to 1200 RPM.
Would take 30 seconds to fix.
I mean im not questioning new ballistics but poor Courbet APHE now is so bad 15000 penetration data is useless on it with cause new max range of it is 14500 lmao. At least HE is ok but god damn its a sad 6.3 ship and its a premium lmao.
That’s one of the most outrageous things about the game. Fixing so many nearly useless bugs, leaving important bugs unaccepted, or being accepted unfixed. I have a report about the Centurion AVRE’s hull armor, which is so extremely difficult to fix that it’s simply going to the game files, and where it says 10mm armor, changing it to 44mm armor. It’s that simple since they don’t even have to change the 3D model, since curiously, the 3D model already shows that it’s clearly more armor than those 10mm. It’s utter nonsense that they clearly make the 3D model well, but don’t give it the value of the armor.
Like my case, there are many, even much worse, since some have been waiting for us for years. It’s crystal clear to me that many of these corrected reports are made because they don’t affect the game as it is, and they give us the excuse that they do correct things, yes, they correct many useless and secondary things.
Those that actually grinded the camoflage by bombing bases after it was changed to fighter be like :
Seriously now tho. That thing aint 8.0 material in realistics.