Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Just finished updating, but access still denied, too early I guess

thats the plan, ill make sure not to spawn it unless the Soviets are on the opposing team

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how to play dev server?

my bad wifi can cook this long af, so i think its ok for meπŸ’€

I mean just looking at updates in 2024:
6 plus strasbourg and M46, 6, 16(tho a lot of that was a new tree), 14, 4 vs 4, 2, 3, 4, 3

Can we pls invest in this huge empty space next time and thank you!


Dont believe thats true, I dont have the Mirage but I have the J-10 and got a 3.0+ KD in it. Its an extreme strong Plane

most of the french additions from 2024 from what I remember were copy paste low tiers

I have both, not claiming it’s bad, however the Mirage is simply better due to more CMs, better avionics and the MICA being so dominant

Download the dev launcher, and put it in a different directory from the main game, then proceed with download.

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OK πŸ‘

Body seems unclear is it a complete Sentence?

but deny the same thing for other jets ;)

is it weird I kinda miss the old naval tech tree, I love the split but I think how they did it before was better where you could skip grinding most destroyers and cruisers if that was what you wanted to do but the better ships costed more RP

The J-10 was great, way better than the Mirage 2000

again, double standard runs in the Soviet Uni- uh i mean in Gaijin HQ

yes i see too a lot of russians asking for an Israeli top tier SPAA, Python-4 and F-2 is that really difficult for the devs to realize what they are doing wrong?


what’s yall opinion on the SU30sm? looks like it’ll be good for my lineup for air and ground now

I’d love gaijin to provide proof of it using KH38s irl lol


time to hunt for info to nerf this into the ground.