Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Bvvd: UK will have 2 planes in this update. Other countries considering adding F-18s, including UK and Germany. We are listening to feedback on adding Indian aircraft


Bulannikov said 2 is planned, not sure which, and he didnt specify top tier as well

the source: some obscure brochure from the weapons manufacturer that said it was possible

gaijin: look good to me comrad

gaijin just seems to despise japan, china and Israel. All 3 get neglected so regularly while countries like france and russia eat good every patch

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Ah, interesting. Yeah, we don’t need a top tier, but if we assume one is T10, then that leaves something else… Hmm…

My main worry about this update is top tier Russia now having two aircraft capable of carrying KH-38s in different spawn pools, without any new top tier AAs in sight.

aint no way you say france eats good, China gets more additions then them every patch lmao


Indian Rafale when?

soooo dev server now?

buh… but we’re going to balance out CAS and add more SPAA - Snail hungry for salt

I wish i will be able to find it on the Dev server


I’d prefer an Su30MK1 just for the hope it gets KH38MTs so I can bully soviet players and only soviet players


Rafale single best jet in the game for the last 2 months no?, before that the Mirage 2000-5F with MICAs was disgustingly good

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i like indian planes ,cf188 is also my perfor


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a single plane… before that the china was better then france

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Use your power for good

comrad are you suggesting that Russia somehow is not capable of putting such weapon on such aircraft? If so then you are treading on dangerous ground

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This was very interesting to read, as a ground main still not entirely familiar to air. Thank you for the comprehensive explaination!!

The mirage 2000 was better than J-10 in every aspect but FM, so a non-argument there, the only place china has been better than france recently was helis before the HAD blk 2 was added