the most busted addition in a long time, makes the 4.5 gen UFOs look tame
This version is prior to those upgrades. A seprate later variant may be possible in the future.
Is there plans to add a later F-18C (Late) with AESA in the future?
the enemy aircraft watching the su30 do a u turn then say "I want to understand the enemy before r73ing it
I assume dev isn’t up yet?
Can you hint to us for the 2 British jets claimed to come to WT by BVVD, if they are domestic or sub tree aircraft?
dev opening time?
Very sad to hear, our first modern finnish aircraft and it’s being shafted with the mythical ‘historical accuracy’ card simply to pump out another variant down the line
Ha yes, Chinese heli…
I still don’t know why China got 2 French heli, while France still don’t have them.
Interesting to see them introduce the AIM-7P. I wonder if it will actually get the Datalink ingame.
Also, LULE no Swiss F-18
Hawk and Gnat or there will be violence
Is it at least MLU 1 with HMD and IFF?
Germany needs to immediately acquire HOPE and HOSBO to respond to the impending arrival of SU-30SM.
Any chance we can get the insane amount of bug reports on the Eurofighter looked at?
Doesn’t make sense that an aircraft from the last update was released incredibly butchered.
Sad to see no F-2 this update.
it’s even funnier when you have things like the F-16 OCU with straight up made up features like the HMD
Many have already been fixed and many more with the next major.
the dual pylons and FNF brimstones are higher up the list, but those bombs would be a welcome additions
I mean depending on your definition of “copy paste low tier” it’s ~5 vehicles(Gladiator, sea fury, spitfire, M44, M46)
I’d be happy if they added more than 1 variant of a finnish f18, just more options and things to grind