Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Meanwhile giving israel mavericks just because

Honestly who knows, although I would put money on why

Well, “technicly could use and seen with such weapons” and “havent seen and not mentioned anywhere” are different.


MLU1 was basically just HMD and IFF, as it currently stands it shouldn’t even have IFF, what is the point of that

They gave us mavericks because they are too lazy to model our CAS weaponry, don’t get it confused

dunno, maybe it is as bad as Chinas new addition - rockets only?


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no ,i think both is better

I dont

Doesn’t even have HMD but thr US model does. Why bother even adding the Finnish Hornet?

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Hey man, there’s not a single Israel player who wanted Mavericks over actual domestic options. But snail being snail doesn’t want to model any of them, so if we don’t get US copy paste - we don’t get anything.

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Yes and you will not find a single image of a Su-30SM carrying a KH-38.

They are a Naval attack aircraft an air superiority fighter.

With the ocasional ARM to keep Patriot systems quiet

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i will

9GB update for you as well?

they would prolly base it on “their” hidden/chosen sources

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exactly, they simply can’t be bothered to model accurate weaponry for Israel, not an issue for france (another minor) but they can sit and lounge while we wait for popeyes and spice bombs

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welp until we see what those 2 british planes are ill hold my judgement off, maybe we can also get the Rapier down BR so its not gonna be in that blackhole but who knows


Meanwhile C704 and KD88 be like