Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

If F-2A isn’t coming this update it will be extremely weird. There’s no reason not to add it right now.


Cos its japanese man, gaijin hates japan

But, as mentioned in my post, are still compatible with PL-12 and PL-8B, there is no excuse for adding the early model this late

Hi smin. The Su-30SM is commonly regarded as a further development of the Su-30MKI, both manufactured in the JSC Novosibirsk Aircraft Production Association Plant. With that in mind, is the Su-30MKI planned in any manner?

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The CF-18 isn’t half as unique as the MKI, and we do want it, but India is a subtree not Canada

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Rafale should be able to pull 100° AoA with or without limiter, so i hope this gonna be worked on now since Su30 can do crazy pull.

Instructor should be reworked.


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Bvvd: UK will have 2 planes in this update. Other countries considering adding F-18s, including UK and Germany. We are listening to feedback on adding Indian aircraft

Edit: F-2 will not be in this update. It will be this year



Yep and while other nations where getting more modern Harriers we are still waiting for Gr.9 and Gr.5.

Along with all the missing weapons with the already existing harriers.

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I mean if it’s not done or ready that’s plenty reason to not add it.

If the F/A-18E isn’t coming with this update, which it looks like it isn’t, I can see the F-2A coming alongside it instead.

So they might actually backpedal on the Indian subtree in favour of other western vehicles

Oh god gaijin you have a perfect chance to do the funi I mentioned before.

F/A 18

All for UK, ALL IN 1 PATCH xD


F2 was never planned for this patch according to russian stream. :(


We know ones probably the Harrier prem. What’s the other?
Su-30MKI? (Cope)
CF-18 or Aussie F/A-18? (Slightly Less Cope)


I have calculated how much RP I need until I am able to grind the F-18C Late.
Just as little as 1’332’000 RP

No way, thats too boring to fly in US tech tree. I did this sh1t with the premium F-4S to get straight to the F-16C Block 50. Thats it, i hate to grind.

@Fireraid233 F

This year. In the next update

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What about the Hornet for Britain ?
What was said about that ?