Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Probably the version we are getting is the pre-MLU one with PD radar

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no bias komrad

Probably just Tiger HAD and Finnish F-18 to go over

With AoA like that, surely you mean strangereal controls


No thrust vectoring or canards for the MKK, this is why I hope gaijin gives china a Malaysian Su-30MKM which has both of those at some point

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Holy cow. Can we ask for Aim-9X Block I now or is it still too early? lol

can su-30mki and su-30mkk come? if not ,why?

I just want to plau with the new f18

F/A-18A is 12.3 on the Russian stream!

NOW it’s getting a bit more interesting.

EDIT: uh… why does it have AIM-7F and AIM-7M modifications, when they are literally… the exact same thing…?

EDIT 2: Nevermind, that was an ARcade BR. Still 12.7 for RB.

Which is why it confuses me that people want the early J-11B and not the Block 9 or BG, both of those possess an AESA and the same weaponry is viable, it makes little sense that we should be recieving an aircraft that is barely equal to the F-15C while russia is getting 4.5 gens

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That’s a pipe dream

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We’re just glad to get a Flanker with Chinese weapons

Why does Su-30SM get T-220 and Kh-38’s again?)

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Is there any “balance” reason that Gaijin do not want to give Sea venom faw 20 its RP-3???

In game in cabin this plane literally has armament selector with inscription “gun” “gun and bombs” “rockets”
And also in pilot manual Mentioned armament selector and type of armament (for example RP-3)

But people ask and make bug report about that many times. Why Gaijin Ignores?
I really love this plane, and i want so much RP-3 for it

@Smin1080p_WT will su30 have its iconic black camo?


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Yes i used them, never suffered from using them unlike the AIM-7M.

You guys deserve some bullying, period.

Its telling that the brit mains are whining fir the broken russian stuff instead of the relatively unique canadian made fa18…


Because the later block with AESA can fire PL-10 and PL-15, which is too op for the game

america getting 3 top tier jets is surely not bias