Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

I’m still in awe at the fact we had a whole section of the December Q&A devoted to the fact that CAS, in the dev’s own words, was having a negative impact on top tier gameplay.

And immediately after get another top tier CAS focused update.

Gaijin actually just hates Japan air players don’t they?
That things going to be added with the F-22 and F-35

You need the R-77-1 to then keep crying about balance.
I need the R-77-1 to prove how Gaijin’s actively handhelding Russia furthermore, along a 14-multirole-missile-capable airframe.

If anything, proves a skill issue from your end.


@Smin1080p_WT No Rafales for UK, I hope my voice is added to the list of feedback. Eurofighter is powerful enough to not need the Rafale. Devs on Russian stream said they’re listening to feedback on whether to add Rafale to UK, I can only say don’t.


Preferrably so, before India made their pantsir I would be rather hesitant to say it was a good addition. Problem is Indian pantsir are built in India, it may take A WHILE(highlight).

I read it as 2 confirmed, maybe a cf18 on top.

So… the hints of “can do things without needing canada/aussie land” before on forums makes me think su30mki, tejas or a hawk series possibly. Esp for the ground attack side stuff.

@Smin1080p_WT so is japan gonna have like any 14.0 jets at all or does gaijin just hate japan


Not in this update. Something different

Su-30MKJ proposal :^)


Handheld? When Gaijin cave from a hissy fit of a certain main group because an F-15 got weaker engines? remember that?

Remember when F-14s dominated? when Abrams dominated against T-64s? Or is your memory selective? Don’t answer, it’s obvious.


Don’t think anything was said, I may have missed it if it was.


and swiss f18 : (
look like they forgot swiss tech tree

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dog water update


Imagine need 2015 missile to complete with 1990 missile lol
irl R-771 are around when AIM-120C7 are around for a while

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AIM-7P and MH for the rest of the U.S aircraft?
Hornet armament for the Hornet?
Just going to ignore the fact that Russians now have faster detection because of the BARS PESA radar and they now have the R-77-1 which is better than the amraam in both WVR and BVR… oh yeah as if that was not enough now they can do 360’s around you and launch 14 missiles.
I don’t ask for anything more than:
-AIM-7P and MH for all U.S aircraft that used them
-AIM-120 and 54 low-smoke motors

  • pottentialy more bug fixes

I’m sure everything in Olivia’s recent leak is what this update will bring.

Greediest gaijin has been to date, more unique vehicles as prems/squadrons than ever before

@MAUSWAFFE got the salt ready?

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Because Intro date means nothing. It happens when your former country collapses and your succeeding country suffers from massive corruption

Did he actually say next update or is that guessing?