Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

to make it worse i only get the annoyiing crapping flare pods that shoot up and are less effective

im not bombing im in a F4J i was in a dogfight the noobs bombung where my team

I thought for a second that you actually meant I as in yourself. That was my mistake.

Still, the F-4J has different strengths over the F-1C so both are fine as they are when compared directly.

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I mean seen how much he is ranting about it, he probably was.

first it was .5 now 1-2? Make up your damn mind mate

i saw it and flared at .5

at 0.5km you were dead.

Magic II doesnt really impact this much.

Especially if they then used guns

Finally, Gaijin realized that J11B and F15J(M) could be same at 13.7, but how about J11A?

It can stay where it is, dont make compression worse than it already is pls

At 0.5 even rear aspects have a good change to just ignore the flares specially if he was with the AF on

Yep. Only weapon system I can think off that would go for flares instead of the AB target at that range is SRAAMs

i know because its a really good missile a monkey could get kills with it hence why i would like them to replace it with something without them as its close as your gonna get to p2w

So you want it to get stuff it never had

If extension does not exist, then the only way is compression, even though I don’t think J11A is worth 13.7

no whole new plane

Magic 1, R-60M, Aim-9G. Fired at 0.5km, it would have killed you.

But the ONLY other option would be Magic 1s for the F1C-200 and that would require a BR drop to about 11.0.

France does not have an All-aspect non-IRCCM missiles.

That being said, F1C-200 is perfectly balanced for 12.0.

It is the exact same vehicle as in the tt, you can get it for free…


yeah but no one plays it so it isnt a problem

And even then 11.0 would prob be too low for it again for most people since it has a decent amount of CMs and hella good flight performance. And again there it would possibly see the Jaguar IS thats .3 above with Magic2s, repeating the entire rant