At which point. Why are you going low and slow?
If you are outnumbered, the last thing you should be doing is commiting to slow dogfighting where its easy to get BnZ’ed / third partied. Keep your speed up and use your BVR
At which point. Why are you going low and slow?
If you are outnumbered, the last thing you should be doing is commiting to slow dogfighting where its easy to get BnZ’ed / third partied. Keep your speed up and use your BVR
And thats the magics fault how, being 3rd partied by anything isnt special its rather your average match. And going slow in a Phantom is also your fault here
It’s $119 here in au
119 dollarydoos? dang
Its 80€ over here, idk how much that would be in AUD lol
$137 aud
(According to Google)
i had no chance even if i didnt go slow as mig 23 can chase me with ease and mig 21 can meet me in a dogfight
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because had it been any other missle than something irrcm i would have lasted longer but its the one missile that i couldnt flare normally
wasnt even a 3rd party it was a 4th party already soloing multiple other migs
Magic 1 or Magic 2?
magic 2
Assuming you were fairly low and slow, likely sat on AB to maintain power in a turn, anything would have probably killed you if fired in rear-aspect from close range.
But Magic II isnt really all that special other than its absolute rear-aspect performance and good off-boresight performance at higher BRs
from my experince at least it usally wouldnt have hit me like R60M
And here lies your entire problem, not the F-1C having magic 2 or magic 2 being too strong at 12.0.
my problem is he died TEN SECONDS after by flying into a mountain
he never should have one had he had any missile that required skill he would have died
That’s just American Mains.
hes a F1C 200 he slammed into the mountain behind me he was level 5
So 1 noob bombing in their 12.0 Fighter gets killed by an idiot who pancakes almost immediately afterwards.
Yep, that sounds like a perfect summary of the 11.7-13.0 BR range, from experiencing the uptiers I had to that range when playing 11.3 the last couple days.