Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

you dont buy the F1CT you grind it

But ultimately is identical performance. Meaning its not pay-to-win, just pay-to-skip.

In contrast, there is no F-4S equivalent on the TT, as the F-4J is overall weaker to the F-4S

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Still, paying your it doesnt offer any advantage over the free one… do you understand that does pay to win means?

It has an absolutely terribly radar??? The F-15C is just and if you have 2 more IR missiles so its a non issue

If you think the radars of F-15, J-11B, Typhoon are bad… lol

Typhoon’s radar is bad. Second weakest radar at top tier currently due to all its bugs and issues. Should be the best mechanical radar in game.

God knows if/when we’ll actually see CAPTOR-M added to the game


The day we get 15.0 Air, which is maybe in the next hundred years

Gaijin adds F-22, F-35 and Su-57

Gaijin: We are finally adding Priority Track for the CAPTOR-M. We may consider CAPTOR-E sometime in the next year or 2

All placed at 13.3

They did the thing @DirectSupport, no more wondering which Amazon models they sourced the PL-5EII from

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Have you played the thing on the dev server? Like the Su-27SM its radar has an incredibly slow scan rate and like the Su-27SM has an incredibly hard time actually getting an HMD lock. As it stands from when I last tested the J-11B it was not great nowhere near the best 13.7.

I wonder what J-10B will have for armaments then

@Smin1080p_WT is there any plans in the future to give the chinese a premium aircraft more akin to the JA-37Di and F/A-18C (Early)? The J-7D is an incredibly aircraft but constantly playing it makes the gameplay incredibly stale but something like the prototype J-10 “1001” with PL-11s and PL-8/PL-5Cs at 12.7 or 12.3 would be incredibly fun.

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You do realise both those planes cost ~$120 so if you want something akin to them it will be the same? I’m not denying it should be there, just highlighting how expensive the packs have become

Are you saying them together? I’m a bit slow

Sorry, forgot to clarify ~$120 AUD

Ah okay they cost 80 USD which I dont think increasing the prices is too bad since it would be 60 dollars in 2013 and you get much more out of a high tier premium now than you did even 4 years ago. I’m fine with shilling out a little bit of money to get a fun aircraft that also can grind a TT which is why I really want to see something like the J-10 “1001” or something similar for China. A really good jet that would be around 12.7.

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J-10 with just SARH I assume? (Im not well versed with Chinese missiles)

Fair enough, as I don’t play every day(weekends mostly) I don’t spare that much money on this game

I spend money on the game for the exact reason you dont I work a full time job now and just dont have time to grind tech trees by just going up the tree anymore

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