Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Firstly, the “worse RCS” that was usually shouted out is now dampened after the airshow in India where the Americans were finally able to see a version of it in person and the RCS was set to be on par with the F-35 but still worse than the F-22 which has waaaay better stealth (On par =/= same as).

Secondly, It has both HMD and Low thermal signature engines, not sure where you’re getting your information from. I do believe another response to this message has linked pictures of both of these systems integrated.

Thirdly, in game both WT and DCS, Russian planes underperform because unlike the games in which the planes are flown mostly individually, the real life doctrine of the Soviet/Russian Air Force is to always operate with ground radar controllers, datalink and SAM coverage. The manoeuvreability deal is underplayed by NATO counterparts saying it would never get to the merge, which is a gross overconfidence of their abilities. Having ground controller and datalink means, in the fog of war, the Su-57 could fly without giving the enemy any RWR warnings or notifications while flying lower (as seen with hundreds of succesful Flanker sorties in Ukraine in recent years.)


Finally, worse missiles? Are you sure? Have you forgotten about the R-77-1, R-77-M, R-37M and the R-73M?
Meanwhile the AIM-9X gets flared by an Su-22M3 from the 70’s in Syria.

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I like how China’s 14.0 jet is moving to 13.7 to become the new OP 13.7 jet better than all 13.7 jets and slightly better than half of the 14.0 jets.

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How is it more op than all other 13.7s and half of the 14.0s? From what I last checked it is effectively just a Su-27SM with 6x PL-12s and 4x PL-8Bs which both of those are nothing to write home about. You get 2 more AAMs than the F-15C which has netter ARH missiles and a much better radar and all of the 14.0s are way better than it.

The J-11B is an F-15 that has a higher STR, better flight performance overall, and the same time to climb as F-15C. All with 2 more missiles, and the F-15C is itself OP.

F15C has more fox3s.

Ahh yes because no one can let that be a mistake. I promise you there has been more russian hypersonic missiles that blew up there own plane.

I mean The F-22 can do the same thing, but it can also be effective without ground radars making it more effective than the SU-57 in contested airspace.

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Just curious, what was the mistake?

they should give china the j15 series. the j15A which is a 2010s naval flanker with modenish avionics. it can carry 8 arh and 4 ir missiles on top would be a good 13.7 addition. then we have the j15T a modernized regular j15 with more composites and a new aesa radar and advanced weapons capability.even though it has a aesa which is better than anything ingame as of now, it acctually balanced because the plane only has 48 countermeases(this plane can be a great 14.0)

No, it should be at a higher BR with PL-10 + PL-15, and WT should add ECM so it is viable.


no, gaijin wont add both such missiles this year , ur on somthing if u belive that

Which is why the J-15T should not be added this year.
I love the J-15T to death but its time has not come yet.


I am sure there are better planes that could be added then

i wanna see me naval modern flanker, and j15A would be so luckluster


They haven’t even added the J-10B yet

Could we nerf the F1C 200 i hate that just anyone can get magic 2 missiles

j10C carries 2 more missiles, its better.also much better radar

I mean, not entirely.
It’s slightly lighter than the Su-33, has a similar radar to what the J-11B uses, actually has a better HMD than the J-11B, it can carry 8x PL-12 + 4x PL-8B. It’s not a worthless addition imo.

Nerf the F1C? What the heck are you on about?

The Magic 2s aren’t even that good

Yeah, but why would they skip the J-10B?