Well, if Wikipedia is to be trusted here (and since I have no other sources I’ll have to trust it for the time being) the Rb.73 was a competing development for a Skyflash follow-up. It apparently wasn’t a Skyflash at all, but rather an entirely new wingless ramjet missile.
Sounds like something Jaden may have said so i think that might be correct
Tfw CF105 and TSR2
On another note i suppose these machines cancelled due to politics instead of design flaws should get another run in war thunder
YF-23 please
The article doesn’t list any sources, but it does match stuff that I read over on secret projects
Rb.73 seems to have been the basis for the Meteor missile
So they were 14.0 aircraft that got to stomp around at a lower BR for a while.
They made 21 functional missiles and did test fires
It would be no different than adding a prototype ground vehicle.
did dev servers get closed and if so for how long?
Maybe we are lucky and they add it like they did with the SRAAM
F-15E/I EFT rafale are 14.3 worthy so they are actually the first 14.3 planes and the first real 14.0 planes are f18cs and su30sm
we are about to make 5th page of this topic
5th part.
If this forum was divided into pages and each page held 50 replies we would be getting close to page 800.
edit: maffs
soooo, Updoot Tuesday?
I wanna play harriers
Just checked over on the old forums, they divided pages into 25 replies each, so we would be at page +/-1570
The most recent (complete) RR&D on the old forums (La Royale) had 545 pages with apparently 42 of them hidden
@Smin1080p_WT Are Carriers getting back into top tier Air RB? i miss so much taking off and landing on them. now that we get the Hornet, are they making a return?
and can you also answer on why they where removed from top tier in the first place?
i wanna catapult my planes damnit.
Eurofighters MAWS can give guidance Info to IRIS-T missiles to intercept incoming missiles. It’s prolly what he means
I didn’t even know that you could take off on carriers in top tier Air RB in the first place. I really do hope that with the Hornet being added that you can take off of carriers again. It sounds super cool!
Well i can’t say i’m surprised