there like the best IR ingame
You do know the F1s did use them right?
it has 48 countermeasures, thats horrible in top tier
bro wat
shouldnt be a premium
The best if you are 1.5km behind the enemy and he doesnt preflare lol, like any other IR missile with IRCCM
Even in the 1.5km range it still isn’t even close to being the best
Yeah lol, 9M beats it by miles in rear and side aspect, this is just coping cuz he did everything wrong to die to a Magic2
New monthly decals coming soon?
This would be a cool addition!
You know what monthly means?
I mean, ECM is probably going to be added soon to mitigate that, low CM count isn’t an issue only for the J-15.
im in a 3v1 with two mig 23s and lazur this Very poor level 2 player fires them at me i dont notice them in time dead worst off all he crashes ten seconds later
2 basically free kills every match is crazy
They are not free kills lol
No, explain it to me like i am five years old
So you just proved what i said?..
basically are magic 2s are amazing and no premium should have them
I can’t tell if you are joking or not
If you have to cope that hard for your skill issue that you just admitted to, then say the same for Mig21 bison with R73 lmao