Idk gaijin seemed pretty contempt to let sweden be stuck with the A model when the SAAF C first arrived and the Viggen without countermeasures at 11.0
What about F-35? And EA-18G? Rafale F4?
I mean, why do you think I feel like they’ll do it like that?
I hear that everywhere even in videos but is there sources about it ?
Think theres a few public sources from tests but i dont have any specific documents on me since im on mobile rn.
I don’t know of any and well, there are no combat records due to the lack of conflicts involving Gripen E operators
Gaijin clearly wants to extend the Swedish tree. Otherwise they would’ve chosen the MLU 1 to be on par with the US f-18C. Gaijin knows sweden now has about 2 air vehicles left and people will stop playing and grinding the tree if nothing is being added. Thats a loss of revenue.
Unless gaijin wants to add FS2020 hybrid lol (saabs 5th gen fighter program)
Who is to say that they won’t just split the Gripen E into an early and a late variant?
Because it doesn’t exist? They’ve been pretty straight forward that sweden has to stay close to historical accuracy and that the vehicles Need (sure gaijin keep lying) to have differences. Additionally they already make us grind the same aircraft 3 times. NG is more flexible since they can add a model with current missiles and with next gen missiles then same deal with Gripen E if their desperate.
NG already is essentially the Gripen E. Just without EW kit. Not like it changes much and gaijin could sell a E premium with your proposed early concept.
Well, they will have to split it up if they are ever introducing Meteors, IRIS-Ts, and the likes unless they plan to add those at a ridiculously low BR
Did i hear $100 premium Gripen NG 18?
With Meteor and IRIS-T and 1 BR below the standard Gripen NG because is lacks IRST
I think I can hear that too, but it’s very faint
Where lead indicator for SAMs?
“Come look at this super advanced design I made”
“Awesome dude what weapons are we going to put on it?”
That or they add the NG without IRST to the TT and the prem model at the same BR has IRST. Gotta get people to buy C&P somehow. Since theres 3 vehicles left.
Still upsets me we could’ve had RB 72 but the US forced Sweden to purchase 9L to keep good relations despite being a worse missile.
these are for aams only no? At least per dev stream they showed it on a flanker.
Only for aircraft. Most top tier aircraft are getting them. No spaa for now.
I don’t even know what this is a bootleg version of. There’s like 3 different aircraft in that thing