Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

So you just expect something like the JA37DI, F-4F ICE or the Harriers to accept that they will be nothing but cannonfodder in such a match?

With smaller teams you should get fewer uptiers.

No really as those aircraft have 120s.
Harrier like an A-10 will always struggle and it would be recommended to concentrate on support and ground striking.

Just because the teams are smaller doesn’t mean you would get fewer uptiers. Currently 4 players per team get max downtiers, everyone else is uptiered by either 0.3, 0.7 or 1 BR. That’s 25% of a team that gets a downtier and 75% that gets an uptier if the team has the maximum size.
If we reduce the teamsizes to 8, you would have either 6 players getting uptiered if we keep the percentages or 4 players getting uptiered if we keep the 4 player rule.

And having access to AIM-120s makes up for lacklustre flight performance and weak radar sets how exactly?
What about those that don’t get AIM-120s, but rather Derbys or R-77s?
What about those that don’t get ARHs in the first place?

You are spawning everyone at altitude though and the Sea Harrier is not even an attacker.

Since J-11B is going down to 13.7, China no longer has a 14.0.

Should a 14.0 option be added to China in the next June update? 🇨🇳

  • Yes, it needs a 14.0
  • No, it’s getting a vehicle this update (J-11B)
0 voters

What would they add to give them a 14.0?
Why does it even matter that they don’t have a plane at 14.0?

Smiling J10 pls :D


Probably J-10B, but I’m uninformed on Chinese equipment.

That would require a new model.

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Ofc, just like many other vehicles that get added each update.

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With how many players that want to play high tier, there wouldnt be space for others to be uptiered the frequency would surely drop.

R-77 at high alt are scary and the platforms carry a lot of them.
Derby/Darter are weaker but we can’t change that.
Flight performance is lack lustre Viggen has a top speed of mach 2.2 and the F-4F KWS is similar.
They are lack lustre in the ability to accelerate and climb and turn.

These jets ideally wouldnt see top tier games.

I am but if you squadron up with someone and only have your premium A-10 or Su-25 you can dive down and attack ground targets.

I’m pretty sure they don’t have a J-10B model ready and all of the components coded so they can just shoehorn it into the update that’s probably going to be released next week.

Meteors would be a little strong for a premium jet. I would like to see them but along with Aim-120C-7 or even a Aim-120C-8 and meteors on a tt jet.

The J-10B was on the leak list along with the J-11B set for December release but as you know that didn’t happen. J-11B since came.


Leak list is not 100 percent accurate

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Obviously everyone knows just because the vehicle is on the list doesn’t mean it’s guaranteed to come, but the list was credible.


I feel EW will be the next focus alongside stealth. Stuff like the Gripen E would be held back heavily since it wouldn’t have access to the most powerful EW kit in service. At that point NG would be preferable considering its closer to the 2019 Rafale or 2012 EFT. F-2 has been long overdue and i suspect gaijin may sell the earlier models as premium versions.

There are loads of players using 13.0-13.7 planes and as long as the matchmaker is kept the way it is these will always see more uptiers than downtiers.

The MiG-29 and J-11B carry just as many R-77s as the Typhoons carry AIM-120s and the Su-27s carry just as many R-77s as the F-15s carry AIM-120s. The AIM-120s at high alt are still better than R-77s.

What a shocker

Ah yes, because only top speed matters.

Those abilities are much more important than raw speed.

They do though and they still would unless they change the rules of the matchmaker.

Why have them spawn at altitude in the first place? They literally are sitting ducks at high altitude and forcing them to dive first means they will definitely be targetted and likely be killed before they can reach ground targets or bases.

Yeah the list is credible but they don’t always add that stuff, I mean they said the A-6 Swip was gonna come a while ago.

Just because it was on the leak list doesn’t mean it has to be even remotely close to being ready to be added.

I hoped they would have started working on EW long ago, but well, here we are using modern day planes without any kind of electronic warfare except for IRCM on two planes.
If the CM Covert Disclosure that mentioned the new SPAAs/SAMs is anything to go by they will work on electronic support first and proper EW later, if ever.