Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Yeah, hes scared to dogfight my ef now, because i may have bullied his su-33 in a spitfire

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In the few times tryhards in Pubs (and on Facebook) have accepted my challenge to 1v1s, I usually just beat them up in Grippens and F-16s (soon to be MiG 29s). It’s funny how many so-called “great fighters” actually are terrible because they rely on the meta of spamming missiles and hiding at the airfield over a good dogfight in Ireland.

Nah i dont dogfight because im good at it i just wanted to show him hes all that when bullying a phantom but when it comes to a gun fight

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Oh that too, always gotta remind bullies that there is always a bigger fish. I remember this guy that harassed a bunch of new players in his Phantom premium, so I asked him for a match. Turns out he was so used to spamming his missiles from 5km out, that he was completely caught unaware that when a prop is right on you, you should probably go back and get that 5km distance you relied on.

@Stona_WT @Smin1080p_WT Any news about a future italian PzH 2000? (not the hungarian premium but a TT one)

Edit: wrote PhZ instead of PzH

What I really hate is when randoms randomly join your Customs and think they’re funny for spamming missiles and overall ruining the fun. Although it’s also hilarious when you pull out the big guns, and they call you a tryhard (or other things) for… doing the same thing back to them.

R-77M R-37M



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you know who else doesn’t have HMD?



Still worse than Meteor

F22 raptor?

didn’t know the raptor carried meteors

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I wasn’t talking about raptor. I’m aware of the original reply

Not if you all start at the same speed and altitude.
Typhoon is a meta jet because it is FAST and has great climb rate.
Gripen could also be a BVR menace if it was at a higher speed for missile release.

120 on Typhoon is only good because of its release speed and altitude.
Gripen releasing a 120 at the same/similar speed and altitude would be as much as a threat.

That same Gripen taking off from an airfield is never going to be able to contest an F-15 or Typhoon that have also taken off an airfield.

What jet at top tier is a flying brick?

Anyway you have your views and I have mine :)

Just so you know Taiwan isn’t a sub

I accidentally touched the delete button, and remove anecdote

Here is under the Spoiler


Lieutenant Rzhevsky:
“Why don’t we play a new game, gentlemen?” The “subtree” is called.
“Teach me, Lieutenant!” Tired of classical!
-The game is very simple. Deal the cards, gentlemen. And immediately put a vehicle on the line. I’ll teach you quickly.
The cards were dealt, and the T-90S, mig-21, Strela, and Osa were put in the bank. They’re waiting.
Rzhevsky puts his cards on the table:
-India! - and scoops up all the vehicles.
“And what’s the point, Lieutenant?”
-It’s simple, gentlemen. Whoever throws the first cards on the table, shouting the name of his subtree, he takes the prize.
It’s clear. After the next hand, everyone abruptly throws the cards on the table, shouting:

Rzhevsky, calmly and calmly puts the cards on the table:
-British Commonwealth, gentlemen.

I fricken love Soviet copy paste!!!


Where Arjun, Marut, Rudra, etc?

Having all planes start at the same altitude and speed doesn’t level the playing field tho.
The planes still have different radars, missiles, loadouts and flight performances.

Spawning a Gripen at the same speed as a Typhoon doesn’t change the fact that the Gripen gets fewer (and in case of the SAAF Gripen worse) missiles and a worse radar. Wether you have to take-off first or just get spawned in the air has no effect on these differences.

If anything, this approach only makes the performance differences even more impactful. Also, what about the 13.0/13.3 planes? Do you just expect Gaijin to remove up- and downtiers?

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It does get fewer missiles but the Swedish one can fight back with it’s own 120s.

Well we cant balance for uptiers and down tiers.
I would like to see more decompression.

T-72 with Leclerc autoloader: