Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Yeah you never really reach your top speed, but if you are talking about the hornet the aim-120s won’t carry it. Due to its lower speed a R-77-1 can outperform it at altitude and at closer ranges.

Why would the leaker add something to the list if it wasn’t even remotely close to being ready? Wouldn’t seem like a smart thing to do

To raise hype and excitement.

Because they are leaking info about vehicles that are being worked on? We don’t know how far into development the vehicles they leak are unless they leak actual data.

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A-6E SWIP on leak every time lol

But USA no A-6 Intruder early variants

I suppose gaijin add the early chinese aircraft 14.0 sometime this year or Q1 2026

But probably not the second major update

When a leak list had F-22 on it, it came with explicit explanation that the vehicle was being worked on and not coming into the game that patch. Also, to my understanding the leak list is a list of vehicles planned to come for the update and not a list of all vehicles being worked on. I could be wrong though, could you chime in? @gszabi99

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I would guess F-22 instead. Makes more sense to see it sooner

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Isn’t the F-22 more stealth also doesn’t the new variant have Ir stealth?

I’ve heard mixed opinions. RAM coating on F-35 is way more advanced, but I have heard ppl say the F-22 airframe is stealthier than the F-35.

Hopefully they’ll start with older 3rd gen strike fighters first as a test and start moving up.

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I would say the general geometry slightly favors F-22 in terms of RCS reduction, but the RAM coating on the F-35 is more advanced.

Though from the frontal aspect both of them should be similar (except for the F-35B because of its hump), F-35 even has arguably an more stealthy intake design (DSI).

In a certain document from the US, it was stated that the F-22 had a lower cross section from the front compared to the F-35 but the F-35 had an overall lower cross section on average across all aspects. F-22 had IR signature reduction from the start.

Some leak lists contain only vehicles that are planned to be part of the update, others contain vehicles that are being worked on in general, but not necessarily planned to be part of the next update.

Also, plans can change. The vehicles can only be added if everything goes according to plan and there is no decision to deviate from said plan. Priorities can change, things can go wrong or just take longer than expected, etc.

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Gaijin could’ve gave China the J-11BG this update but withheld PL-10/PL-15 from it, tbf.


Still strange that gaijin has a few vehicles with their ECM pods modeled.

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My understanding is that the J-10B was on that list of only vehicles planned to be part of the update. Correct me if I’m wrong.

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Of course plans can change but would not make sense if a vehicle wasn’t somewhat ready if it’s on the leak list planned for the update even if plans can later change.

Nah, it can wait like everyone else.

Everyone else has a 14.0 though tbf, it’s only Japan and China that are missing them.

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I mean, creating a model of a pod probably doesn’t take as much effort as creating entire vehicle models.
Who knows, maybe they have more of them modeled already.

However, the coding is the thing that ends up taking the most time and apparently Gaijins priorities are somewhere else lol