I still don’t see how your ideas would achieve that. Do you just limit every plane to what the “worst” plane has? Do you give every plane that is worse equipped than the most meta plane buffs so they are on par?
Do you just ban planes that aren’t called F-15, Typhoon or Su-27?
If non-fighters are allowed, how do they win? Can they even win? Surely you don’t expect them to do the fighters job if the fighters lost…
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Ngl a phantom with the manoeuvrability of a typhoon would be hilarious
Sea Harrier with 12 missiles, afterburner, wing sweep and Su-30SM thrust vectoring
Oh, and a GAU/12
The inverse would also be funny, F-15s, Su-27s and Typhoons limited to sub-sonic speeds, 4 missiles and no gun because a Sea Harrier is in the match
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Nah nah, a b-17 with eurofighter abilities (someone always does this and its really annoying)
B-17? Naaaah man, BV 238 with Eurofighter specs
Ok that sounds hilarious and i actually want to see that now
This guy is clearly one of those weird “Fighter” purists that wants to ban strike aircrafts and bomber since they don’t have any place in “his game”. I’ve met likes like him, and they have had similar ideas like that. But God forbid you tell them that’s basically Arcade, because they’ll screech about how arcade means you’re bad at the game. The closest thing to his weird “ultra realistic” mode is Sim (which no one really plays to begin with), Arcade (SKILL ISSUE SKILL ISSUE SKILL ISSUE), and Ground Realistic/Ground Sim.
Otherwise, he will have to play Customs, and God forbid he makes a post about Air Custom, and people that join are wanting to have fun and not be a tryhard that don’t have “cool pilot names” like “Maverick” or “Chappy” and yell out “Fox three splashing bogey”
I used to dogfight with the B-18 bomber in arcade. I swear, that thing was more manoeuvrable than the Eurofighter.
Only a b-18, i was bullying zeros in a b-17 in arcade, just for the fun of it
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Imagine bringing a Komet or the BI and getting the flight performance and fuel load of a top tier jet.
You’d be unkillable
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I use the flying boats as dogfighters after bombing in realistic lol
Also, hunting other bombers with the Shackleton and its nose mounted 20mm turret
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Funny, as your idea is exactly the opposite of that.
The guy with the better missiles/plane wins, as the off META can’t do anything to escape the missiles. At least with with airfield, these guys can side climb
I’ll be frank: any of the flying bricks(or even off-META flight model) is gone within the first 30secs-1minte of the match. Taken out by the guy with the best missiles and FM, who, after taking them all out, can get out of there before any missiles the bricks shot got to them. And if any lived the first barrage, they don’t have anywhere to repair, which is something they’ll likely need if they want to get back into the fight.
I made a mistake in my last post. Dissing Iron Eagle was in really poor taste. I am sorry. I will now sing “Never Say Die” while doing the workout shown in Bloodsport.
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I cant lie im one of those people who only uses torpedo bombers with torpedoes in naval and that includes floatplanes, its, not the ideal thing to do
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I also try to do that, but the AA gunner AI is just too much most of the time
Dropping minefields from a PB4Y or PBM-5 is more fun anyways lol
Ive actually got it to work on occasion, its incredibly satisfying when you do
I remember my friend getting mad at me in our 1v1 (he had just unlocked the MiG 29 and was being whipped by my Grippen), so I pulled out the Canberra (with the gun) and I started beating him up in that.
A guy i know bought a mig-21 premium just to have a better jet than my f2h and lost 5 times to my stock f2h
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The Canberra B (I) is a sleeper omg
Such an amazing gunfighter
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My friends used to use the likes of the F4 Phantom premiums, F5 (Japan), and weirdly the Su-22 in dog fights. Yeah, and them demanding dog fights was always funny to me, but they became better from it… and also having irrational fears of the Grippen.