Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

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I turned to everyone here for help, and I was bothered by one question: how heavy are the tracks of the M1? I was told it weighed 11.7 tons, is that true?

What happens late in the game, when people have used up all their ammunition to survive that long, and you’ve just got a bunch of people with no ammo (Who in current circumstances would RTB) just flying around, increasingly flying on fumes? Does it turn into Ram Thunder? I ain’t sold on it mate lol.

I dont trust the Radar on Typhoon I trust the missile lock box if it goes red or gives me a circle I shoot. Even if the return is not near where the TWS lock is.

Usually the only ones I see flying near the bloody moon is the XP-50 players. Lower than that, like P-47s are hovering near the ground trying to dogfight every Spitfire, BF-109, and Ki planes they can see, and then getting mad that they get out turned. They’re also usually like level 10, so.

Short story time, I used to actually try and dogfight in that P-38 interceptor. I was a very special noob.

Maybe he thinks that the gamemode should have unlimited fuel and ammo too.

You reduce team sizes, each jet has enough missiles to destroy each other several times over.
If you get to that point you still have a gun.

RIP (F-35B)

I’m not against airfields for Korean war and WW2 as I understand an airfield is needed.

But higher tiers with BVR missiles we dont need it. We are also going to receive more advanced missiles making the PK much higher than we have in game.

They don’t. You still have to manage ammo on most planes and fuel on anything that has a fuel hungry afterburner.

I don’t know how people abuse airfields either. If it is about camping, the AA is almost useless in high tier and you can just let people land and deal with AI instead of hunting the enemy players right up to their AF.

This is legitimately the first time I have heard someone complaining about airfields being a thing. I can understand people not enjoying the fact that you have to take-off every match, but that’s part of the game.

Not to mention that there are plenty of planes that absolutely need an option to restock and refuel.

Do they only turn red on real targets? That’s quite useful

Apparently this guy doesn’t acknowledge that flares and chaff exists, low ammo count (especially for Russian made vehicles), low missile count for Grippens, and fuel hungry jets like the F-16 and F-15.

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too boring I think, except sep3, the others are basically same

Not always, they also turn red on missiles and countermeasures. Your best bet is locking within visual range most of the time.

I mean, those are still real targets. Countermeasures can be filtered out by not moving and missiles by their high closing speeds, that’s not a problem. Only issue are the ghost targets that move at normal speeds

You don’t I gave examples of F-15s and Typhoon pilots in BVR, if I cant rearm or refuel I need to play differently.

The endurance of the airframe comes into question:
how much fuel do I have
Can I sit on burner the whole time? Do I need to save my burner for when I need it?
Is it worth firing a 120 at that contact 50km away should I wait to get a more reliable shot?
Is that target going to enter a notch I only have 6 MRAAMS
Do I want to merge yet I only have my 2 IR missiles left.
I’m out of CMs I need to play carefully

Etc etc.

Hiding at the airfield is tried a tested calling card of the scum bag thats not why airfields should be removed at the higher tiers though. Or as stated make the maps huge

And how is it better? Su-57 has worse RCS and worse missiles, also it does not have HMD and engines with low thermal radiation. Su-57 is good if you do not understand aviation. The only thing that is better in Su-57 is its maneuverability, but in the game and in DCS we saw that this maneuverability at low speeds is useless.

Jets with less than 60 CMs, planes with only enough ammo to fire for like 4 seconds, planes that carry very little amounts of fuel, planes that have to go for low fuel to be agile enough to actually fight, planes that only get like 10 minutes of afterburner with their max fuel load, etc

Carry more fuel and tanks, dont sit in burner.
Smaller team sizes 6 v 6 or 8 v 8 make the Gripens 6 missiles viable.

Honestly man, when i think about the clutch carry games i’ve had over the years, pretty much all of them required one or even two trips back to the airfield.

Imagine a situation, even where its only 6v6, and some Gripen on a fail team absolutely clutches it, takes down 5 enemies but it requires all his ammo, and now he’s in a 1v1 with literally 0 option but to die. That just feels cruel.


No they take low fuel for agility but every jet will be in the same position as they will all be required to take more fuel or carry tanks.

I have also seen it and played it and it is fun…But it’s not the norm.

Smart team would only give him that option though. Let them take off away from the airfield and then destroy him.