Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

The F-15s, Typhoons and Su-27s not having to manage their fuel, CMs and ammo doesn’t mean other planes don’t have to either.

There are plenty of planes even in top tier that get very little amount of CMs and ammo/missiles and have extremely fuel hungry afterburners. Even in 8v8 matches these planes might end up being left without any option to fight after having engaged in combat with equally skillful players and with bigger maps plenty of planes will have to go for a refuel even if they take a full fuel load.

If you add additional objectives you also have to keep in mind that bombers and strike planes would have to make multiple passes to achieve these objectives as they are limited in the amount of ordnance they can carry.

If the game was only fighters vs fighters like they do in the esports matches getting rid of airfields would be valid, but ARB and ASB aren’t like that.

You should be asking for a esports-like mode if you want that kind of gameplay, but ARB and ASB should keep airfields, even after extensive reworks.

On a sidenote, letting players destroy the airfields in higher tiers just like they can in low tiers would be the best of both worlds.

P.S. if you’ve been watching the tournaments you would also know that the diversity of planes that get used in those is extremely limited, due to the concerns mentioned by us. Why would you bring a plane with way fewer missiles and CMs that is just slightly more nimble when you can bring a F-15, Su-27 or Typhoon?

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Definitely not the norm, but those are the sort of games i like to think we all aspire to have. They get your heart going, they’re what makes WT worth playing. And access to airfields is what makes it possible to overcome these kind of situations.

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Lets remember though you said you landed at the airfrield twice so just for reference the average high tier jet has 6 missiles.

You used 18 missiles in a game that’s ridiculous.

In a match that probably had 16 players on both teams and plenty of AI targets.
That’s not ridiculous at all.

The only thing ridiculous is here that you think a plane with just 4 missiles and 60+/- CMs should not be allowed to restock in 8v8, let alone 16v16 matches

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Same disclaimer as always; I made this list long ago, some vehicles shouldn’t be included (Italian Leopard), some are missing, others are not yet ready (but will be soon), etc, but to have a general idea:


And this is ONLY MBTs- leaving aside the very much needed SAMs, or lighter vehicles. And not including tanks like the several Object projects, etc.

I can’t see why “copy-paste Leopards” is a problem when we have 5 billion SI-27, F-15, F-16 and now F-18 variants ingame.

Vehicles being a part of the same family doesn’t make them “copy-pasted”. Panzer IV.C and Panzer IV.H aren’t copy-paste just because “they are both Panzer IVs”… it’s just how the development of war machines works- through multiple variants till a new model comes. Nothing wrong with implementing these variants for increased effectiveness and better lineups ingame!


Considering how often you post that, you should really update it.


Hahah yeah. I mean, I did not expect to come across the “there are no more tanks left to add in top tier” thing SO often.


Mate, you’re advocating for a niche game mode that will only be good for a very select few jets just because you want to roleplay and scream out “Fox three going out” or whatever. Very select few planes have the ability to be good at BVR engagements, and you are punishing those who do not have those planes because of that.


Not really every jet has good BVR excluding maybe the Rafale at top tier.
What makes a good BVR jet?


Put everyone on equal starting ground.
Removes the altitude issue
Removes or reduces the speed issue
Gives greater parity to missiles.

Even the suffering Gripen could match the Typhoon or F-15E if it didnt have to take off and climb to 40kft in the space of 2 minutes.

You statement about very few planes have the chance to be good at BVR is wrong.
Wanting to shout “Fox 3” Or maybe just using the jets like they should be? Or in your eyes do we remove BVR missiles?

It is called realistic battles after all.

And it’s pretty realistic to have a place for those hundred million $ aircraft to fly back to lol.


Has anything changed on today’s dev update?

You know jets have to take off of the airfield and climb to an altitude in real life too, right?

Again, the closest thing to what you want is the tournament mode and having watched the tournaments it is painfully clear that people would be meta slaving in such a mode and even fewer players would use planes like the Gripen, (Sea) Harriers, F-16, MiG-29, etc.
Niche planes, attackers and bombers would have no place in such a mode at all.

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I can’t connect

maybe it’s closed

Not 20 miles from the line of contact

Not the case at all I even said actual objectives for ground attack aircraft and not just fly under the swarms of air superiority fighters like we have now.

8 V 8 doesnt have to be E-sports it’s more manageable for players and the server rather than handling 50+ missiles at the first merge.

Look if you guys like it the way it is thats fine, personally it’s stale and its not changed since WW2 era.

It definitely needs a revamp, and honestly, i think the most simple solution is just RB EC.

Copy and paste Sim EC. Change it to RB. Hide markers like in ground battles. Perfect? No. Good enough? Absolutely.

Huh, didn’t really notice that the US main strat is to become a rocketship as a US main myself, but that probably has to do with my playstyle lol. But you make some good points.

That would be a step in the right direction! Gaijin seem reluctant to give us big maps in ground or air

Please tell us more about how you do not understand other jets. The Sukhoi and the MiGs are notorious for their terrible radars. How long do you think they’ll last when they A: cannot lock onto people and B: have to use missiles that are repeatedly needed. Even the R-77-1s have been needed, and they haven’t left the Dev server, they are not going to be the new missile that destroys the AIM 120Bs. In fact, the only jets that might dominate in your game mode will strictly be the people using said meta missiles.
As much as we all enjoy talking terribly about how ARB is at the moment, the only thing going for it is that it is about as balanced as you can get. If you don’t have the best long range missiles, you can still dog fight. If you cannot dog fight, you still have amazing missiles. If you’re running a strike aircraft (like the Su-34), you can still destroy bases. Your mode is punishing everyone BUT two or three planes.

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Most of us want reworks, but nobody that I know would agree with your ideas