They should definitely either divide air battles into WVR-only and WVR+BVR or add some sort of cutoffs between technologies.
However, BR decompression should still happen.
From an F-15I perspective, i was expecting the introduction of EF to actually add something that contests the Eagles way up high, but for whatever reason, very few of them actually seem to want to do that. They mostly just tend to hug the deck and give us the same freedom to spam-raam from space that we enjoyed before.
They have the kit / performance to contest this, but they often just don’t. Maybe they’re just used to playing that way from the other aircraft in their tree’s? Idk.
Well compression is clearly not working at the moment. Hence why I’m saying that there needs to be a split between the metas (as stated, AIM 9Ls and Ms versus planes that can only use rocket pods as flares, AIM 120s versus planes that cannot even tell they’re being fired at, etc.)
Although, if compression has taught us anything, Gaijin just specifically hates Britain with how much we get shafted. Like please explain to me why the A-10 menace: with GBUs and AGMs and AIM 9Ls are at 10.3, while the Sea Harrier is at 11.0, fighting F4S every single match.
The thing is, they literally aren’t working on decompressing the BRs, they actually worsened the compression with the latest BR changes
Who remember when there was a barrier between subsonic jets and supersonic jets around the time the F104s were introduced ?
Nowadays we see F104s below the BR of some of those aircraft’s that used to be hard locked from fighting against them
It’s also just a doctrine thing. It’s widely known American mains just fly into the stratosphere and spam their missiles. Just look at the F4S when that was top tier. Other nations were not blessed with (what was considered) that OP strat. Germany had what when the F4S came out? MiG 21 or 23, which had a radar so bad you couldn’t track the plane flying straight in front of you? Italy had… well, who actually played Italy back then. Sweden only had a 10.3 plane. Britain had a Phantom, but it was how the Phantom actually was, not some monster the American F4S was.
After years of dealing with Americans going high, everyone going low, it makes sense that the Eurofighter would still hug the ground, since that’s how Germany, Britain, and Italy have had to play from 10.0 up.
I kind of disagree and here’s why. The main problem with the F-15E and Typhoon is they get high and fast and spam missiles. They do this because they know they can take the lowest ammount of fuel usually 10-12 minutes in a Typhoon and they can land and rearm.
My complete rework of RB is an airspawn every jet spawns at mach 1.0 at 40kft We remove the airfields completley and replace them with industrial complexes/Radar stations that can be targeted and bombed. This makes a player have to think more critically about weapons deployment and fuel allowances.
We reduce the team sizes, we increase map size and we remove aircraft markers from hostile aircraft.
Damaged aircraft can fly to a certain edge of the map to allow recovery of damaged aircraft and some saving in repair costs.
These changes would make BVR so much more rewarding for everyone and it would take skill to find and destroy aircraft.
MBDA Meteor for european & export customer 4.5 gen fighter aircraft with AESA radar
But Air EC map 128 km X 128 km in game it not enough for Meteor, AIM-174B, AIM-260, PL-15/PL-15E, PL-21 and R-37M
J-10A early pre PL-8B service ?
I’m aware, and I honestly blame the American mains for that. They cry Russian bias, or German bias, or that Gaijin hates America whenever they get beaten, that they change Bars just to fix the fact that American mains are bad at the game when they’re not too busy spamming missiles. Su-27 should be 13.0, but somehow it’s 13.3 because Americans cried about it. MiG 29s should honestly be 0.3 lower, but again, the American mains cried and they had to be moved up. Grippens get nerfed every update because Americans cried about it. Eurofighters got nerfed because Americans cried about it. Rafale doesn’t get nerfed because who actually plays France?
No offence, mate, but not everyone wants to roleplay that. Most of the people that are playing top tier just want to get their jets spaded. Although, it would be interesting if they put that Air Conquest mode from low tier arcade into top tier jets. Everyone just spawns in like five km away from each other and have to fight close range. No spamming missiles like no-skill noobs, just straight dog fighting.
Even with a complete rework I would disagree with the air spawns for everyone. I don’t think there should be air spawns in realistic battles for anything other than bombers, designated interceptors and sub-sonic attackers in super-sonic BR regions.
I agree that ARB and even ASB need complete overhauls for high tier and top tier, but I just cannot agree with giving everyone air spawns and removing airfields.
What we in air rb isnt working, it’s a systemic problem from lower brs to the highest tier.
Players dont want to climb in prop planes so die to the planes that perform better at lower altitudes.
We had an event for “Masters of the air” a pseudo WW2 bomber escort and intercept mission. Where everyone started at 25kft and it was great we had some real good dogfights between 109s and P-51 at the altitudes they excelled at.
Top tier is split into I want to be high and fast to I need to be 10m off the deck to avoid dying…Even in a Typhoon that gets boring fast.
There’s some solid idea’s in there, but i really don’t like the idea of removing airfields.
Limping a mortally wounded plane back home is always fun, and it’d be a straight economy nerf if you’d just force people in such a state to ditch and swallow the full repair bill lol.
Dunno man, most people do tend to climb in prop plane matches. At least that is my experience.
I completely agree, that’s why I don’t really do much in ARB because I just want to have my stuff fully spades and then screw around in Customs with my friends. But I still care what happens in top tier because even though I’m usually doing 1v1 Tournament with them, I still have to grind.
Airfields are a crutch and the game would be better without them unless we triple the map sizes.
In small maps you are flying for a couple of minutes before you merge and the problem I referenced rears it’s ugly head Jets that are faster and climb better dominate. Now a Typhoon starting ar 40kft and a Su-27Sm at 40kft The Typhoon will hit Mach 1.7-8 but the Su-27 will also hit that speed so weapon release partity is restored instead of what we currently have now.
Typhoon is at 1.6 and Su-27 is 1.3
Depends on who. Most Americans are hovering around the 400m mark, and then crying when they can’t dog fight. I would know, I was one of those people when I started, and I knew a lot of people who echoed the same sentiment about America being bad.
That must heavily depend on the BR, coz from my experience it is the US players that usually climb the most and then cry that nobody wants to engage in fights with them lol
They stop players having to worry about fuel and weapons. I’m a Typhoon BVR player and I take off with 10-12 mins of fuel 6 120s and 2 aim9s I get high and fast I fire off my 6 120s at multiple targets and land and rearm with 2 minutes of fuel. I get a couple of kills and disrupt the other team. I then take off with more fuel and a full load of missiles and join the merge.
This isn’t healthy for the game, there is no negative to me and other abusing this mechanic.