Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

All I’m saying here is that I feel quite confident that the majority of patches for 2025 will contain very powerful planes.

The only way that doesn’t happen is if we happen to get patches focused on other things like Ground or Naval or something.

But for now, the trend has been Air and I see no evidence the trend is changing.

There are some more unique MBTs that can be added, but yeah, in terms of absolute top tier ground has reached the end of unique models to add unless Gaijin decides they want to go for prototypes and mostly undocumented vehicles like the T-14


Not like official data and documentation matters that much for them anyways lol, they make armor values up and use stuff like reload time and ready rack size as balancing factors

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Up until that point Germany was using a Phantom, Britain a Tornado or a Gripen
Italy had the same.

F-15E changed the meta in the BVR environment but that was all it was good at.
Su-27 could deathstrike half a team if played correctly
J-10A was an excellent brawler like a Mirage 2000 with MICAS.
Gripen British one had the R-Darter a missile that if you were more than 8km away was a wasted shot.
Swedish one had the 120A

Typhoon and Rafale had to come to the game eventually. Yes unsurprisingly they are some of the best Gen 4.5 jets in the world. It’s like being mad the Spitfire is good.
Russia receieved a crazy number of buffs to the Su-27 (correctly in some cases)

MAWS wont chaff missiles it will try but you will still need to evade.

I have a feeling ground is going to be dead very soon. Even if they add new vehicles to low tier, the only people I really see using those “new” vehicles are those that are forced to grind them. I mean, it is extremely rare to see anyone post level 30 using the M44, at least in my experience. And of the minority that are past level 30, are those that have nothing higher than that BR for that country.

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Aye, There’s not a whole lot left in terms of truly unique MBT’s, but the list of SPAA’s, Lights, IFV’s and just general tertiary / support vehicles is pretty vast. And its those which, IMO, will improve top tier gameplay QOL the most.

SPAA needs to be absolutely priority in the near term though. It’s fallen horrendously far behind in capability in this top tier CAS arms race we’ve had as of late.


T-14 will come to the game it has to as do the more of the questionable prototypes the game needs content to grind. For a lot of players if they arent grinding they arent having fun.

No grind no need to buy premium accounts or vehicles

Sure, they will likely go for that stuff at some point, but I don’t think we have quite reached that point yet.
They will probably work on adding more subtrees first, considering that some nations don’t even have prototypes to be added as new top tier MBTs lol

Yeah, but that means Gaijin will have to get over their air bo… I mean, “love for air” and actually give us modern Spa as like the South African Umkhonto GBADS, Israeli SPYDER, and heck, I would take a PATRIOT system on the back of a Ford F-150 if it means we have half decent SPAAs.

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I mean Britain was the first nation with the “excellent” CR3TD a tank that transformed the meta

I’m going to need to see documents on the T-14. I just hope Putin doesn’t call for my arrest because of this.

It’s so excellent, it even gets to be a lower BR than older models lol

My point is they were added into an environment where they are dominant because they face no serious opposition besides themselves.

It’s a Strike Eagle, Rafale and Eurofighter controlled top tier.

They do and the F-15E is still the BVR king…Maybe that changes with Typhoons Radar upgrades?

Gaijin cant add great stuff for every nation every update. Let it be said Typhoon and Rafale have been in game for 3 months.

Yeah, go figure. American mains dominate the BVR, but we can’t have Meteors because that would be unfair.

To be fair, and i know this is absolutely zero consolation to JPN/RU/CN/SWE players these past few months, but 6/10 countries having a competitive top aircraft simultaneously is probably up there as one of the most ‘balanced’ periods in top tier history lmao.

When you go back through the years, it’s often just been like 1-3 countries with something clowning everyone else. Very rare for it be a majority.

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I mean, Meteors would definitely be unfair lol

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Possibly an option, that might fix some things , to varying degrees the issue is that the configuration hasn’t entirely been “frozen” yet so stores options are still up in the air, and to some degree will depend on what exactly gets funded, for which clients.

Certain stores like the JSM, JASSM and SiAW will cover over some shortcomings in the loadings for particular mission sets but nothing particularly ground breaking or that would increase the magazine depth to more than the 2x BRU-77 (variant of the BRU-61, for SDBs) carrying 8x GBU-53.

So do I

This is legitimately one of the most frustrating things in the game from a systems perspective, that the F-4E is not a late block airframe(if need be the F-4D could alternately represent be the early F-4E’s counterpart if the mix of A2A & A2G stores is untenable).

Could certainly be made work, the issue would be what to do with the existing F-4C, and lack of F-4B to provide relative A2A / A2G tasking focus, which could also be used to get the AN/AAA-4 IRSTS.

F-4B AAA-4 American Car and Foundry

The A-7D, and a few other airframes have it in game for some reason, even though it’s been superseded by the -65B for most airframes.

Eh, American mains need to be knocked down a peg. It’s getting pretty irritating spawning in a Su-27, just to be smacked five seconds after spawning in Golan Heights (Air Spawn) by three different F-15Es hurling all of their AIM 120Bs.

To be fair, air spawn maps shouldn’t be a thing in high tier matches.

They also are adding R-77-1 to even out the missile performance at least a little bit, but yeah, just like with the F-14s, the amount of missiles being launched paired with the amount of players that don’t know how to or that cannot be bothered to fly defensively early on really ruins a lot of matches.

It’s why I mostly avoid playing top tier, but I prefer WVR combat anyways.


I just wish they would have clear barriers between different missiles for balance. I mean, why in the bloody hell are 9.3 planes with no flares fighting A-10s with 4 AIM 9Ls. Why are planes that are still using front aspect missiles with small calibre countermeasures being expected to fight AIM 120s at 12.0?

It’s obvious that compressing BRs is not working, the only thing that will work is by establishing boundaries between obvious OP metals by, not changing BRs, but by splitting the meta of tiers from things that do not have the ability to fight the meta.

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