Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Gaijin would probably do it like this.

F-35A early carries only AIM-120B and AIM-9M.
F-35A late carries whatever you want.

F-35s never carried AIM-120Bs and AIM-9Ms

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Who cares?
Weapons are a balancing factor.

And also historical factor. They won’t give the brimstones nerfed guidance because it’s not historical.

Honestly mate, i don’t really feel like they do?

We’ve seen them skip over (and maybe add later) various blocks/tranche/versions of things if they’re very similar to something else, but for the most part, the air additions have felt like a pretty natural progression. There’s ofcourse outcast examples like, F-18A probably should have come way, way sooner. But they’ve not really jumped straight to the very end at all in air yet? Everyone still has better things to come before it’s time for 5th Gens.

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I can assure you that the entirety of the US playerbase cares and would riot if an F-35 was added with anything less than AIM-120C and AIM-9X

Yes but it is also limited by a 90s Radar, 4 (6) 120s and 2 IR missiles.
No active protection system

But yes the flight model would be amazing.
But the other Gen 4.5 would still have some kind of chance

To be fair, there are no new tanks. Unless you really want more copy-paste Leopards 2As in the game. I mean, what else exists? Leopard 2A8 that just came out? Abrams Sep V4, which is totally different from the V3 (sarcasm). Or, how about the new T-90s and T-80s, that are totally different from the other T-90s and T-80s!

The only new tanks I can think of is the T-14, which we don’t know how it works, and that North Korean thing, which again, we don’t know how it works. I guess a Korean subtree would be cool, but for some reason, Thailand is in the game and got the Japanese subtree.

Yeah, late Eurofighters and Rafales would definitely be able to compete with a similarly equipped F-22.
I am not sure how the F-2, Gripen E and whatever the USSR, Chinese and Israeli tree could get would stack up against the F-22 though.

For Air RB they really do. We’ve gone from MiG-29 9-13 and F-16A block 10 to Eurofighter and Rafales.
Every other update, at least, leapfrogged. F-16A ADF got superseded by F-16C because ARH is better than SARH 99% of the time, F-16C got superseded by F-15C because it is better at BVR. F-15C got superseded by F-15E because it is better at BVR in nearly every way.

My point here is that every 2-3 patches, something came along which made the earlier stuff either obsolete or way less effective by contrast. You don’t often see people flying F-16C anymore because it’s hopelessly outclassed as an example.

Gaijin found a Rafale variant just so they could give it HMD. I don’t doubt they’d do the same to give F-22 all the things it needs to stay viable.

They riot when Abrams isn’t impenetrable. Petulance isn’t something Gaijin cares for.

My point here is Gaijin tend not to be too bothered. If they were concerned about riots, we’d see J-11B as an actually good plane.

They can add new versions of existing tanks.

T-80BVM (Obr 23) T-90M (Obr 24)
Leopard 2A7 (Trophy)

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The F-16C still used SARH when it was added.

So again, copy-paste of the same exact tank. Wow, totally can’t wait to grind the same exact tank, that feels the same exact way, just because it has a cool new number/letter at the end.

Who knows time will tell.
They did for the Rafale, but for Gen 5 special measures will have to be taken to make them balanced or Gen 4s dont ever face Gen 5 but we know they wont do that.

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It’s almost like ground reached the end of what could be considered viable MBT additions or something

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We all joke that China is just a copy-paste nation, but I did not expect them to copy-paste the J-11A and just change it to J-11B. Like what is the difference? Guided bombs that should have been on the A in the first place?

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I talk about Rafale and Eurofighter for this reason. Even F-15E was way overkill and had no peers to speak of.

Gaijin wouldn’t put those planes in the game if they had enough restraint.

Now Eurofighter and Rafale will auto-chaff missiles, whilst other planes don’t. They already had flight performance advantages, radar advantages and now just ease of play advantages.

They have either the best or equal to every other plane they can fight. It’s just babyplanes farming everyone else.

T-80BVM will have more armour, drone cage, camo netting
T-90M will have the electronic gear box allowing it to reverse at 10 -15kph and additional ERA mounted to the front lower plate and the rear of the tank. With a drone cage, EW system and maybe thermal reductive camo net (Nakidka)

I dont know what to tell you we have reached the end in terms of MBTs.
the only unique things left are the K2 and where Gaijin puts the RoK

Hey, I’m not the one asking for more ground tech. The only thing I want is a better top tier SPAA so then we don’t get dunked on by brand new aircraft that can slam me with AGMs from the next map over.


You and me both

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