Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

we cant be there yet
By close of play this year I see: Gripen E, Su-35, F-15EX, F-2 and a top tier Chinese jet maybe the J-10B?


That’s like 2 patches of jets tops and we have 4 majors left.

I then think we will have a little breather and fill out the rest of the gen 4/ 4.5 space.
F-16s, F/A-18s, MiG 29 (so many of them)

While the game mechanics grow and change

Japan need a top tier jet, Sweden do too.
Su-30 isnt going to displace the Rafale/Typhoon so they will want a Su-35
USA is stuck with the F-15E when they could have the F-15EX with 12 120s

France and Britain to receive lower tier/unique aircraft.


They don’t have to add something more advanced than what we have in every single update.

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Gaijin seems to keep pushing the envelope with each update in air.

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I don’t think we will.

Sure, but they often do.

People don’t realise this but the last update that wasn’t air focused was Kings of Battle… Nearly 18 months ago.

Not every patch added something more advanced, but most did.

Real. Feel like in the older days of Warthunder, we’d have a top tier ‘meta’ that lasted a good year or more. Lately it feels like were having a complete shift to new dominant platforms every update or two. The pace is has ramped up massively.

With how drastically far behind SPAA has fallen, really hope they put the brakes on this. Like bring all the countries up to par in air, sure, and then just focus on ground’s top tier QOL for a while.

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My personal guess is that we will see a slow down in the addition of new jets (top tier, better than current top tier) but new mechanics and missile will probably come this year. That will definitely redefine the META.

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They rush to add gen 5 they miss out on the last hype of the Gen 4.5.

Mechanically the game isn’t at the point we could integrate Gen 5 airframes.

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Hey guys is the dev still playable?

What do you think earns more money?

F-16 Block 72 or whatever.

F-35A (Early)

Answers on a postcard.

Rafale and Eurofighter just keep getting buff after buff after buff.

Even this patch isn’t adding planes that can compete and the patch is making those planes even stronger.

Alpha Strike, which came out 12 months ago may have been air focused as well, but it didn’t add anything more advanced.
Dance of Dragons, which came out 6 months ago, also didn’t really add anything more advanced than what we had at the time.

The updates being more air focused is a side product of ground being already as advanced as possible and Gaijin puts older vehicles very low on their priorities list. At least one update is guaranteed to be ground focused this year, the one that introduces new SPAA/SAM systems.

How the heck would an early F-35A differ from a regular F-35A? There is nothing that could make them “early”

What earns more is both. Gradually adding increasingly better things, so everything gets it’s moment in the sun to arrive to hype and fanfare. People will convert RP, talisman and ace crew for/on their shiny new powerful toy each time.

What earns less is rushing to the end-game content, and then adding everything ‘lesser’ than it in afterwards in a DOA, obsolete state that most people wont bother with.

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Also, J-10A and Jf-17 are some of the best dogfighting planes. J-10A is even decent at BVR, until F-15E redefined the entire BVR meta by being unambiguously the best.

IDK. Block 1 or whatever. I’m no expert, but I expect Gaijin would like at least 2 variants of the plane.

Why does Gaijin keep doing it then?

They have just sold a billion F/A-18C

Yes money is important but they have to find a way to integrate Gen 5 aircraft into the game.

They will come I just personally dont think this year

And the first one would be the F-22 from 98 with it’s outdated sensors and limited payload it could maybe be added.

F-22 has better stealth, is very very fast and more payload etc. Current game mechanics it would probably be better than F-35A.

There are different lots of F-35s, but they don’t really differ in terms of specifications.
They could make a late variant at some point in the future, but that would only change the radar and maybe add Meteor, ASRAAM and AIM-260 depending on the operator.

The different variants they could add are the B and the C, but that mostly depends on the operator, except for the US.

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