Yeah perhaps I should do a recent example : P
@Shay It’s back up again now and with an on topic example
Yeah perhaps I should do a recent example : P
@Shay It’s back up again now and with an on topic example
Could you use the hide function.
This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.
I’m usually on my phone and your message feels like I’m doom scrolling.
I think the point I’m making is far more important than your little finger m8.
Also I’ve tested it on my phone too and I don’t see an issue here
I would just be happy if the premium was available for console.
Thought I’d bump this topic since I’ve added more info to my bug report, and no longer need to go the long way around and provide a design lineage “bridge” to the TISEO to the TCS prove functionality.
[DEV]The F-14B should be impacted by this change to IRST/EOTS
And that the report is still awaiting acceptance after 9 Days for a Dev server issue, which regrettably likely also make it to live.
Technically a bit off topic but anyone else have problems with DM’s i get messages notifications but theres nothing there. I feel like im losing my mind lmao.
I have a sneaking feeling this’ll be popping up again not far from now. ;)
I’m gonna make a thread as I’m sick of this, how is it off topic when there an on topic examples.
Ok it seems to me rank does not always equal price tag to it’s rank as was claimed by Gromv here :
So if rank 9 has an equal price of 90 Euros then why are recent premiums such as the F/A-18 and F-16 being sold at 64.99 instead of the 59.99 tag as we seen with the F-20 ?
If golden eagles were a factor here then how come the recent Finnish Bf-109 was being sold at almost £30 rather than at £ 25 like the Mustang. If rank 2 means £4 and rank 4 was 25 then where were the bonuses ?
As the Finnish air force day naturally had the Pyörremyrsky and the Draken XS these two had GE in them as seen here.
As I naturally wanted to get the XS and 109 as I didn’t have them but the price of the 109 blocked me from doing so as it didn’t have the bonuses. Now I’m worried for when they will be doing rank 9 as I see them willing to put the prices to £70 as they will see rank 8 shifted from the original £60 to £64.
Imagine having to pay a Typhoon that cost around £70 to £75 as you will know that will come near the end of the year.
All this sensor fusion stuff and NCTR makes me think Gaijin are angling for F-35 by December 2025 or definitely by the end of 2026.
We have most of the parts necessary except ecm and ew, but I don’t think Gaijin sees those as necessary.
At the very least they are trying to make planes easier for players to use.
Would be nice if ground forces got more realistic fire control systems and sensors.
In order you get the 430,000 RP first you need to pay £75 premium in order to grind it lol
£80 for long range bvr premium like a tornado testbed with meteors or something.
You see why I’ve made that post now imagine it costing the same as GTA 6 lol
Depending on the particular variant in question It’s going to be outperformed by the F-15E (since missiles are a balancing issue) we already have in game considering the implementation of the F-117.
and that outside it’s electronics and stores options. Its kinematic performance and magazine depth (You get 4 / 6 missiles total if we count sidekick + dual rails, while limited to internal carriage retaining stealth) is anemic, in comparison to the contemporary; Typhoon, Rafale, Eagle, Viper, and Hornet for the existing blocks, and “Block 4” isn’t that much of an improvement.
Well it’s better than a Hornet, to be sure, but I expect these things would have much better stealth and also very good radars.
That requires careful management of airspeed and avoiding supersonic flight at all costs (Skin heating spikes when Supersonic) so imposes significant constraints since basically all contemporaries are going to have some form of IIR - IRST systems, so the thermal signature will still give them away.
Past a point the radar won’t matter much, especially without ECM / ESM being modeled, the kinematics are more important to missile performance, the fact that it’s stuck with both the “Standard Missile” families in the Sidewinder (ASRAAM would be an edge but not widely available) and AMRAAM (AIM-260 isn’t really an option, and Meteor carriage is still in development, slated for “Block 4”).
The options it has access to are are limited, and basically to the point that there is no more room for growth It’s options are fairly sub-par and unlike the hornet(s) doesn’t have the Magazine depth to fall back on if pressed.
F-35A late (Block 4) ?
Block 6 for Eurofighter Typhoon FGR.2 (post project centurion), Jaguar DARIN III (IAF) and F-35 Block 3F ~ 4
F-4E from USA tech tree lack TISEO
I want gajin remodel F-4E to Block 53 standard for the second major update or third major update this year
F-4D Phantom II (USAF) (early & late production 1969 ~ 1972) armed both AGM-62 Walleye I & GBU-8
F-4D late production in late vietnam war fired AGM-65A