Even when only using the highest claimed range that I found for the regular Kh-59 and the lowest range you just stated for the AGM-84E, they still have over 20km range difference.
The regular Kh-59 is rocket propelled like the AGM-130.
The Kh-59M has a turbojet like the AGM-84E.
Idk. But they should have it so only DU projectiles can ignite diesel fuel tanks, anything can ignite gasoline, and next to nothing can ignite the fuel used in gas turbines (very stable iirc)
By the fuel type you mean JP-8?
If it’s JP-8 that’s literally kerosene based jet fuel, which while better than gasoline is still more flammable than diesel.
Also the incendiary effect achieved by DU projectiles can also be achieved by an imbedded incendiary element in DM53A1/DM63A1.
If you mean the FLIR resolution by that, it’s because Gaijin decided to only focus on FLIR technological generation rather than actual resolution.
Litening II has 2nd gen FLIR, so it gets that in game, while Litening ER or AT would have 3rd gen. Considering many other nations now have 3rd generation TGPs already, like Litening III, DAMOCLES, T220/E, K/ADC-03A (it’s gen 2+ only on JH-7A tho) or ASELPOD, I think it wouldn’t be too crazy to ask for one for at least the Hornet, as it would make it stand out a bit more over the stronger CAS options like the F-16C/F-15E (though personally, they already did that by giving only the Hornet LJDAMs for now, but I wouldn’t say no to a better TGP).
Fuel safety is determined by octane rating?
I’m going by the flash point of JP-8 which a lot lower than diesel, which means it’s more sensitive to ignition.
JP-8 is said to have better thermal stability, you know for when used in jets and subjected to higher temperatures over time.
I don’t think thermal stability equates ignition resistance, the flash point better indicates flammability.
Yeah i know the Abrams uses a gas turbine, which can also use gas and diesel as fuel.
And plane fuel doesn’t burn?
Yeah, from searching around Thermal Stability has no connection to Ignition Resistance, thermal stability refers to the fuels ability to resist forming deposits and breakdown under heat, which is important for jet maintenance and performance.
Ofc it burns, it just has to be subjected to specific conditions to start it. Look at JP-7, it needed an extra chemical to start the engine because of how stable and resistant to ignition it was
Again, i believe Thermal Stability doesn’t affect the Flash Point that much, according to this the flash point doesn’t seem to change.
Also the army doesn’t use +100 additive:
Army NO USE POLICY - The currently used +100 additive has a
Dispersant/Detergent component that affects Army fuel/water separators
increasing risk of water to enter fuel tanks. In addition, no benefit has been
identified for Army systems.
Also mentions about JP-8:
Single Fuel on the Battlefield used by the Army and Air Force per AR 70-12.
Yeah, maybe they’ll add incendiary effects on darts that support it either from material (DU) or as embedded units like on DM53A1/DM63A1, and probably many others.
Don’t think it would be too bad. 10 amraams seems borderline too much for the Hornet’s own good anyway.
If you take 10 amraams you turn yourself into a really shitty missile bus attempt, and because you only have 4 DL channels you will also take quite a few amraams into closer range, meaning you also tank your dogfight potential.