Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

36 vehicles yes, but over half the “new” ground vehicles are either copy&paste or just straight up duplicates.

It’s mostly always like that now, people have different definitions of copypaste though.

For this update I count the Type 74 premium, Ariete premium and 2S19M1/M2 as copy paste. I don’t really mind them in these cases as all the C&P vehicles are premium and squadron vehicles.

However I do count the French DF105, 1 of the Clovis and 1 of the AMD car thingies as duplicate, as they are litterally the same vehicles being added twice. These count as 5 vehicles on the list of “new” vehicles, but should only really count as 2 new vehicles.

Oh haahahha :) You’ll get me next time, GGs

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What day does the update usually come out?

Technically should be today as gaijin usually tries to prevent it on fridays, id say next tuesday

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Well I think today is out of the question since the dev server has been extended until the 14th (so tomorrow).

Then still next tuesday, roughly

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For the past 2 years, 44% of major updates dropped on a Tuesday, 33% on a Wednesday, 11% on Monday/Friday.

Tuesday is most likely

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[Development] J-11B: Dragon Flanker! - News - War Thunder

No mention of C-705s, unfortunately.


Did they ever release an update while there was an event going on?

What gaijin means is that the penetration coefficient of the composite armor module (0.14) is not as good as the rubber lining (0.2)? Gaijin? What are you doing? This is not a matter of a certain difference from reality, this whole vehicle is made with prejudice. The 2S25 is only 18 tons, but it can resist 5.8 rifle bullets that even the 33-ton lightweight “main battle tank” (VT5) cannot resist (using the in-game coaxial machine gun test "). And even though the player provided a lot of internal configurations, they still installed a basket for VT5 that has no idea what it does; VT5 does not have such a basket at all,there is not loader in those tank. Don’t make a vehicle unprepared with prejudice or wrong information. This will only lead to a lot of anger on the forum that you think is “unfounded”.

From the sources I have, they would be about the same in game. They would all qualify for 3rd gen FLIR and have similar high zoom levels (ER/AT/III would have slightly better zoom range, due to a lower minimum zoom).

Main advantage of Litening is that it would not have to take an AMRAAM slot unlike ATFLIR.

At least in the Type 74s case it gets increased turret cheek armor unless its been changed

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I am pretty interesting about Sniper ATP, how would gaijin do its ability of working with datalink?



Yes, I was talking about the resolution. The range would depend on the pod, but most of the modern pods have less range than they should due to engine limitations. Some older pods could have more range than they should, but that’s not much of an issue.

Considering that the F/A-18C would probably be weaker in the CAS role than the F-15E I do agree that giving it a 3rd gen pod would be fair, but the F/A-18C early should remain limited to an older pod (the F-15E as well, for balance purposes).


On a sidenote, I didn’t know the ER/AT already were 3rd gen. Turns out the generations are defined by resolution and 640x480/640x512 is 3rd gen. Would a 1280x960/1280x1024 be 4th gen then?
Considering this, it would be neat if Gaijin would start modelling the FLIRs realistically and I would very much enjoy seeing people complain about their low res 4x3 pods lol

Afternoon gents, not kept up with news for a few days, been any updates on the likes of Ra’am / Barak receiving SPICE yet?

Nothing on the devserver, but the Kh-59 and whatever those Chinese bombs/missiles were are not available on any plane on the devserver either.

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Oh damn, they are adding a heli to the tank testdrive

Finally everyone can enjoy the marvels of Manpads being unable to lock onto helis