Server Update 13.03.2025


  • A bug that could cause Research Points earned from one battle to be lost if the player left early and then started another battle has been fixed. This would occur if the research of a modification or vehicle was completed when the second battle finished before the first one when the same modification or vehicle was being researched. (Report, Report).

Patch notes reflect only key changes, meaning they may not include a complete list of all improvements made. Additionally, War Thunder is constantly being updated and some changes may not require an update. Changes reflected in patch notes are formed by taking reactions and requests of the community from the bug reporting service, forums and other official platforms into account. Bug fixes and changes are implemented in order of importance, for example a game-breaking bug will be worked on and implemented sooner.



Absolutely huge

Even bigger props for doing it before the major and not 3 weeks after when billions of RP would have been lost.


No way, is this real?

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Damn, gaijin actually fixing important bugs instead of japanese tanks armor thickness, im proud.


finally it only took 7 years


No compensation? 😔


Warthunder users must be the greediest least thankful group of gamers I swear 😅
I’m just glad it’s finally fixed, it’s a free to play game and this bug has existed for years, pretty much as long as I can remember, I doubt any of that lost rp could be tracked accurately with such a massive amount of players and time being passed.


Finally, after all these years! I always hated being robbed by this but, and now it will no longer occur! This is a wonderful day indeed, quite glad this has finally been fixed, one of the biggest bugs in the game by far!

Thank you gaijin! (It’s a bit long overdue, but better late then never)

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Gaijin has spent years trying to squeeze every last bit out of the community, constantly making the grind harder with economy changes, increased repair costs, and reduced rewards. This bug robbed players of their earned RP, and while I’m glad they finally fixed it, that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be held accountable for letting it persist for so long.

After the first 2–3 years of this bug existing, they should have realized it wasn’t going away anytime soon and started tracking RP gains properly. Even if full compensation wasn’t possible, they could have at least attempted to reimburse affected players instead of just sweeping it under the rug. Fixing a long-standing issue is great, but it doesn’t erase the fact that people were losing progress for years.



omg after 5 years will done for the devs for fixing the bug !

now i have hope for old bug reports !


Impossible 😵😵😵

I thought this day would never come.

Next you’re going to tell me that you going to fix the „first round in belt determines velocity for all rounds“ bug? 🫨

Maybe free Abrams as compensation for all the RP lost? 🙃😂


I’ve lost an hour of Heli PvE grind RP once 😭, can’t believe it is finally addressed after decade and a half of continuous development

The manhours that would be required would be longer than the next ice age.

That’s great! Long overdue but cool to see it’s fixed.
7 years of reports and many times denying that it’s even a problem is quite an issue tho.
At the same time every time the server has an issue, we lose rewards gained and this also gets ignored (example: Community Bug Reporting System )

You guys gonna compensate by at least giving us some premium time or something???
7 years of lost Modification RP (that also speeds up the actual RP grind) in an already very grindy game is kind of insane, don’t you think?


So, essentially the same amount of time needed to reach top-tier ground?


They don’t need to do that at all. Something like:

All players get a 100% booster for a specific amount of hours played (1 booster per 10 hours or whatever). Hours played are tracked and really easy to access. Boosters also take into account player skill level (the better you were, the more RP you lost, the more you can gain with boosters).
I know that’s not a perfect solution but hey, I am not part of Gaijin.

No bug that important can be worked on for at least 8(!) years and not be fixed because it was “hard to find”.
The whole game has been reworked since 2017.
Not enough people were complaining back then, so it just got put in a backlog. That’s why we had no updates on it for that long. No-one really cared, or even worse someone did, and “allowed” the bug to exist , since it helps on making even more money from people grinding (since if you just play and don’t look at the rewards all the time, you wouldn’t even notice it).

I’ve lost whole 2 hour long Sim matches worth of RP to this “bug”. Before the “useless action” craziness… It is incredibly unfair.


no way they finally did it!!!.

I seriously can’t see what’s so greedy about people wanting some reimbursement after a bug that took some of their progress away has been fixed.

For the least thankful bit, tell me should people be on their knees right now thanking Gaijin for fixing a critical bug after years and years ?