There currently is no point in adding better targeting pods, as the ones we have ingame already perform better than they should
So, I can get 1 of the new decals for 40K points instead of 70K.
hmmm …
they cannot tell a photo from a photoshop work.😂
So maybe we might see them this update?
air to uni?
Air to universal?
Martlets? :^)
You’ve seen the normal version of that icon a dozen times already, mostly for the AS.20
I know the icon is ingame, but I am wondering about the name they gave the icon
, etc.
It 's normal and not new.
Guess they originally intended to use the icon for more than just A2G missiles then
I wonder if all rocket propelled bombs are gonna get the new icons or just the ones that are built like the PGM 500/2000 and AGM 130
USMC F/A-18C in 2014 ~ 2015 retain Litening AT or upgrade to Litening G4 targeting pod ?
I’m curious about this
J-10A (early service) equipped this Air-to-Surface missile ?
KH-59. I dont know anything about J-10 using it.
Not necessarily. It 's more that they added the aircraft/helicopters that carry more than one kind of missile and more than one kind of guidance type later on.
I don’t know what pods they use in real life and I’m not sure what pod they are gonna have ingame.
The Litening II ingame already has a better resolution ingame than something like the Litening AT would have IRL.
you forgot the Kifir C.2 and C.7
I believe this is what u are looking for.
i swear god if this thing gets added before the Spice bombs that are less powerfull me a more people is gonna lose the sanity
The destroyed friction on rocks? Very annoying.
Could be related to the rumored ‘Strategic Bombing’ mode or April Fool’s event. These icons look like turbojet-powered, long-range air-to-surface missiles – given their operational range, that’s my speculation.