Losing 2 AMRAAMs for 1 targeting pod?
I won’t say “delay” because they never “do it”…
So I’ll say: the update sucks so much that the snails are probably rethinking some things right now.
Sales are not going as well as expected?
it lost to the Typhoon
Or maybe the update wasn’t going to be released this week in the first place and they are still working according to their internal schedule, which has nothing to do with prior update releases
LOL no, the ship has sailed, they wont add anything more radical. if they are, they just gonna put in nexxt update.
I know and that’s good, even if not a universal solution (not to mention close working with infantry)
But arent all Kh-59s rocket powered
it have a micro jet engine tho its a damn cruise missile
They have a jet sustainer, and even if they’re commonly referred to as missiles some versions might end up being classified as guided bombs ingame for spawncost calculation purposes.
I wonder when we will get the Badger or alike from the 2025 decal, we now have everything except the AMV from the decal.
A lot of people still dont realize that Gaijin just makes a lot of stuff up without any research whatsoever. Like flight models, optic performance, vehicle dimensions, interiors, armor values, etc… can just have arbitrary values and you only really notice if you keep an eye on bug reports and see how so many details, like sooo many are messed up and only get fixed when a bug report is made, sometimes takes years for the players to notice especially with more obscure vehicles.
It’s really funny to me how much they dont care about doing research yet are so strict when it comes to bug reporting.
We haven’t seen the battleship Richelieu yet either.
The single small rangefinder atop the larger one is distinctive from the Dunkerque 's we’ve already gotten, which have two in a stack.
Sales are fine you know how many Hornets I have seen on Dev
The company refused to add the KD-88 missile because of its long range, but added the KH-59, so there was no problem.
We don’t know if they will be present on the live server. Grom-1 also was on the devserver, but didn’t make it onto the live server release.
rules for thee not for me
I wonder if the gaijins will add the Kh-59 in the same truncated and wretched form as the AJ.168 or in a fully functional form? As far as I remember, the basic Kh-59 has telecommand guidance, just like the AJ.168
and AGM-130
If they give the Kh-59 the full functionality they have to do it for the AGM-130 and TV Martel as well