Tbh basked isnt such of the issue (provided Gaijin aint lying about X-ray model =/= damage model). Would be damn nice if, y’all know, there was a way to see actual internals so we could learn where to aim for maximum damage
for VT-5, X-ray model = damage model
Gaijin once again demonstrated their arrogance and ignorance.
how many people from china play war thunder?
Is that pocket MLRS worth it?
Shouldn’t it be renamed VT-5BD, since the devblog specifically mentions the country and not the base export variant?
And is there any particular identifier that’s unique to/requested for the BD variant?
Gajin (out of nowhere): Behold Ottoman/Turkish subtree for Germany. exits.
VT-5BD isn’t a real designation. We use VT-5 designation for this tank.
Bangladeshi VT-5 lacks side ERA and RCWS. Also it uses 7.62mm coax mg instead of a 5.8mm coax mg. It’s also 1km/h faster than other VT-5s.
fair enough
With our Turkish population that isn’t even the worst stretch possible
It’s gaijin game and gaijin thought our MBT’s were niche, that’s why we got India.
hope we get the early & later export variants as well.
Atleast 1 in TT along with the ZTQ-15, while other can be prem.
oh nice.
wasn’t around when that got put into existence lol
I’m definitely gonna grind for it. The Fiat itself is pretty quick, nimble and even amphibious.
The rocket launcher has plenty of rockets with HEAT rockets. How powerful the rockets will end up actually being will depend on the final BR, but with the amount you get the 150mm pen should be enough to deal with most tanks while flanking.
Wonder if PLAA use side-skirt ERA package in any capacity (I know ERA doesnt mean much, but at once in a while it does saves your bacon)
APS is currently being incorporated.
I wish gajin implemented new Litening (Litening AT or Litening G4) instead Litening II targeting pod for F/A-18C Late this major update or second major update 🙏
Stages 1 and 2 will have a reduced score requirement due to the overlap.
well I can see the ZTQ-15, when deployed has a slightly thicker side armor/skirt, that’s more than the VT-5 of BD but less than the optional thick ERA sides offered for VT-5 in general