They have GBU-53, which I guess is close enough compared to the Spice 250
Israel and Indian
Super Hornet Block III standard and F-15E (post upgraded 2021 ~ present) armed GBU-53/B SDB II Stormbreaker
SPICE 250 ER equivalent ?
Better than Coastal imo. At least Blue water ships gotta fight things their weight class. Coastal? Get hammered 24/7
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Chill out man, it ain’t that deep
I love the Hellcat.
The MK II in the UK is my most-played vehicle.
Need a good plane for Ground and Naval? It’s great and really good too.
Severely damage kill should have been implemented in naval as well.
dont worry am chilling imagine that am drinking a beer while playing right now am just spitting some facts thats all mate
For me the P-51 reaction is over kill, minor nations had some brilliant aircraft IAR 81 my beloved.
spice 250er is better than gbu53 because spice 250er is jet powered. its literraly a fnf standoff modular cruise missile with excellent cas/precision strike capabilities, it outmatches gbu53 by quite far.
israeli cas doctrine is focused more on precision guided bombs
Most likely not, when there are many bug reports for the repair bug, gaijin just tells us its not a bug… Ruining many matches (but it seems it happens when joining a match in progress).
Still waiting on the F-16’s AoA override, since it kinda needs it for stalls (anyone that’s flown the F-16 and has taken the slightest bit of damage knows how bad it is).
Same for Mirage IV.
I found a source (link below) that indicated that there is a variant of DM53 that has an ‘embedded incendiary unit’ for additional behind armor effectiveness. does this mean it would be like a APHEFSDS or if the incediary wouldnt be noticeable?
this document was taken from rheinmetall’s offical website last year
Large calibre – weapons and ammunition | Rheinmetall
No. DM53 is a tungsten round and it was done to give it a similar post pen effect of DU.
thanks, that makes sense
Well that sucks for some reason while playing sim the Kh-38 was just phasing through the enemy carrier hopefully this will be fixed this update