Was thinking non-nuclear .
“Hey ivan, you hear about the new british secret project?”
“No pyotr, what is it?”
“They call it the Blue Peacock”
Pretty funny way to draw eyes away from classified tech
B-1R never came into fruition unfortunately. And looks like it won’t with the B-21 intending to replace the B-1.
My dreams of the B-ONER is unfortunately dead.
mustve been really easy to figure out what the B-58 did well then
comparing a2a bomber proposals. vulcan with pheonix vs B-ONER
but very sad it wont become a real thing
My choice is obvious but the reason is childish.
APG-77 and 4x F119 engines are pretty good reasons imo
Yeah but I only want it to exist to have a flying B-ONER.
thats a good reason too
indeed the british rainbow code was great you could get some really cool ones like Blue Moon (nuclear cruise missile) or kinda silly ones like green cheese (nuclear anti ship missile)
“Blue Circle” was the most useful.
Huh, the original Post on Reddit where i got the F-2 picture from got removed by WT moderators.
(Its still fake tough, propably removed because its to Troll People)
Outside of a special bombing game mode I have a feeling they would only introduce the less, well, extreme ones.
Not saying that they couldn’t all be added, just that the ones that are easy to balance would come first, the rest later, maybe limited to special modes/purposes if necessary.
As for the Tu-160 specifically, I don’t know if that one is even designed to carry bombs at all. Pretty sure that one only ever carries cruise/nuclear missiles.
Edit: Didn’t know the rotary launchers on the Tu-160 could be removed to carry racks for conventional gravity bombs and GNSS guided bombs instead, so I guess that’s not an issue
Man, you really cannot accept that other nations can also build amazing and sometimes even better military equipment, can you?
At the end of its service live, the german F-104Gs carried AIM9Ls instead. Specifically the one in service with the Marinefliegergeschwaders
Red Angel is a pretty cool one as well
I wish they had built the compartment to use them on the Buccaneer
Still they didn’t even buff them to the point required
Has me real pressed lol
Far as I’m aware, the only ir missile left for Britain to get is the ASRAAM. Whilst it would be funny, it would also be extremely not funny for anyone on the recieving end.
If it’s funny you want, look up violet club.
Britain could also receive the IRIS-T through a SAAF Gripen.
There’s also French and Soviet/Russian missiles and the Python 4 and 5 through India, the Python 3, among other V3 (-A, -B, -C and U-Darter) missiles from South Africa and maybe the mythical A-Darter at some point.