Why j11b’s radar still a placeholder in dev server?How can we test it, if it is not presented.
Is the new NCTR thing visible in sim?
When did they say NCTR is to be added.
In sim you can see it on the radar MFD screen on the aircraft that get it.
Several sources in the suggestion thread show different numbers though
The Su30 and J11B now have 8 DL channels
technically allowed since both weaponry and the airframe existed
Do you guys think that player base will get some kind of buff also as in current version they play worse then AI bots. Would be nice if snail fix that insted of another 80buck premuim
Is there any update to getting this stuff fixed? Because for the French HAC this stuff was fixed on a timescale of HOURS while for the UHT we have been waiting YEARS. It is supremely unfair, and I feel if it isn’t fixed now, we will be waiting even more years.
that’s too much, physics decides that it can hardly get this pen, 150mm is almost it’s extreme.
What class does it have? Light tank or tank destroyer?
Btw it’s premium, nice!
I would imagine a TD right, most of the other MLRS are
Would be nice since it means ammo boxes, I wouldn’t mind scouting though
I am used to the fiats being light tanks yeah, but I would quite like access to those boxes since i doubt those rockets would last long, especially not against some opponents at the Br
Finally, they actually decided to model the 1493, J-11b is looking like the best vehicle of the update rn
does this start on the 13th or 17th, the devblog confused me a bit?
Still find it funny that China will eventually be able to get every single fox-3 besides R-darter/Derby
JF-17 block 3 can use R-Darter