Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Should have painted the radome red

Long snoot

Not all of them, the differences pretty much are just domestic weaponry and such e.g. F1AZ or CZ, plus a few quirky prototypes like the Mirage F.1 with a Mig 29 engine & R-73s.

If I had choice though Id like the Mirage IIIR2Z, more powerful engine & a unique missile, in game that is, the V-3B Kukri. No Radar or counter measures though… But could cosplay as other, less unique models.

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Looks a lot like the FCK-1

Another bombtarget building has been added, " vent_structure ":


Rather go for the finnish Hornet. Thats closer to 1997 Swiss Hornet.

No? Swiss has HMD and A2G functions they just dont have A2G munitions iirc. So the finnish model is further away from the swiss

As if the top gun fanboy appeasement doesn’t get any worse lmao 🤣

Havent watched top gun, is this a reference?

The hornets in the recent movie bomb a ventilation hatch similar to that, big plot point and a ‘cool moment’ i suppose

It could be!

Top Gun: Maverick (2022) revolves around a climatic bombing run sequence where they have to destroy an underground nuclear facility, the only weakpoint is a small air vent, which is a Star Wars Episode IV reference, which is a “The Bridges at Toko Ri” reference.


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Or maybe it literally is just a structure with vents


I’m sorry XD

Don’t get me wrong, references can be cool and fun, but this is getting close to “is this amogus?” and “is this a jojo reference” levels

My apologies, I was not speaking 100% seriously

Ventilation in of itself is not a reference.

Ventilation as a precision bombing target, as part of an underground bunker complex?

Then we’re nearing plausible reference territory.



Its disgusting, mockup only i believe. A library has the flight manual for the AU specifically lol.

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Haha, Definetly need the JA37AU on the British TT :P

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Oh okay then im doing that on a daily basis(with grenades, ofc)

Ikea and Grumman bathroom workers truly were snorting all the good stuff to come up with this abomination.

F-14A IRSTS capabilites
look what i found

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