Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Would be under the designation Saab 37AU had it been produced. Some stuff suggests a Swedish viggen flew with the AIM 54 but couldn’t find anything on firing.

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comes with this to
VF-1 F-14A

And what are we supposed to do with that?
The F-14A we have ingame is modelled as one that did not have IRST.

should be added yak 141 ingame didnt have a radar yet hear we are

Do I here new $80 dollar premium?

might get them to actually buff tomcat so maybe

Mate, the F-14A ingame specifically is one without IRST. Has nothing to do with “could”, it’s modelled as one that didn’t have the IRST installed.

and yak 141 never had a radar and f104G DE never carried aim9G

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If they wanted the F-14A to have an IRST ingame they would have modelled one that had the IRST installed. This was done intentionally.

this was done cause america cant have nice things

Tomcat Chinpods
I think the tomcat chin pods should be a modification that you can change like the cannons on some world war II planes



lmao even


i agree

F14A gotta sit there with a wopping 60flares and get dicked down by su33 and mig 29G

Yes, and?

completely unfair for br wise so lets balance it

To be fair missile to missile it should be trying to BVR

even the playing field some would say

aim54a is massive paper weight half time so i rarely use them

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tomcat has to fight aim120s some time to