Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Sorry for spam but I think this one looks the best and it seems to be a legacy

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hawk 100 has no radar,

Personally Id like to see a SAAF Hawk 120 LIFT and a Hawk 128 (T.2), also maybe some Hawk 115, 127, & 132 skins (Aussie, Canadian, & Indian hawks respectively)

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U right

VFC 12 over the years has had a wide variety of aggressor camouflages for the f-18s I’d really like to see more than just a unicolor one like on the f5 I know that 5e has a two-tone gray but some of these ones on the f-18 just look great

ov-1 is an observation aircraft that was given weaponry its not a trainer

btw t38 wasn’t a paper aircraft NASA has one on display

They’re talking about the paper armed proposal

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OV-1 isnt a trainer yeah but fits the “tandem light attack aircraft” role well

T-38 isnt a paper vehicles because, well, its in service as the main fast jet trainer with the USAF.

it ISNT armed or capable of being armed (like the TAV-8B) however the T-38 is very similar to the F-5F which would make a cool event vehicle

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Now that you mention the SAAF Hawk, where are the SAAF Buccaneer and the Cheetah? :(


Just wondering but how large in terms of file size is this update expected to be? I play on Macbook and i’m wondering if I’m going to be able to have enough space to get the update.

cheetah D.2 with the snoop droop when


The real Aardvark

God damnit I just remembered the ‘let me fo it for you’ meme

AT38B was a weapons trainer that could carry gun pods:)

It probably because of the angle and colour play, but it looks like a toy here, lol

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It’s probably the lighting inside the building but a few of them I believe were used as aggressors also

mmmm, Bucc would be fun with the AS-30Ls but I have no idea what TGP they used. The Cheetah is a must

Cheetah, Tejas, a ZA Mirage, and the Darin-3 Jags are my big subtree wish list atm

I guess we wait Super Hornet for USA til early fourth quarter this year

But might F/A-18E Early

Not sure about the Mirages, are they uniquely modified?

Otherwise 100% agree

Edit: you probably meant the F1AZ and F1CZ, considering ZAs involvement with those I would definitely like to see them

It’s one of the better looking Mirage two seaters, the longer nose balances out the longer canopy

f16 with f18 radar

Cheetah E before Phantom FGR.2, maybe

Cheetah C before or After Gripen C ?

Place before or after Typhoon FGR.4 ?

Before F-4M Phantom FGR.2 to early rank VII ?

Before Tornado F3 ?