some stuff on it i found after a couple minutes
some stuff on it i found after a couple minutes
Is there anything they can get?
something probably
SPYDER, and another one i forgot the name of i think
Tradeoff: its a magach marksman
Although I think ADAMS should come first, as Spyder uses at bare minimum normal Python 5 and I-Derby (also can use the extended range versions iirc, like Python 5 MR or I-Derby ER)
The real ending
And here comes a magic trick, it goes to UK.
Marconi/RO owned hull that they slapped a Marksman on, cuz who is going to tell them no.
Im hoping one of these days we see Gaijin finally fix the Su-24M and actually making it a Su-24M2 instead of just giving it a modification that only adds GNSS guided bombs or at least move it down to a br where it doesn’t get stomped.
All 4 regular variants of the SPYDER would be much appreciated.
SPYDER-SR makes the most sense to come first, seeing as it uses the standard Python 5 and I-Derby without any extra range boosters. Gaijin could also soft nerf it to use the Python 4 and regular Derby so it sits at a lower BR, as it should be compatible with those missiles.
The only drawback is a lack of a radar and due to war Thunder not having multiple vehicle systems just yet, but it would still be somewhat viable, less so than the Type-81C however I reckon… (also the launcher doesn’t move horizontally iirc).
Specifically these are images of the SPYDER-AIO (All-in-one). Different from other SPYDER variants as it acts as its own single system and doesn’t need other vehicles to operate to its full capability. It is the most modern of the SPYDER systems and has the latest boosters used on its missiles allowing for a really long range of engagement (like 100km+ iirc).
God I wish it got the HUD upgrade, really helps in sim
that’s it, another 4 billion magachs to Israel
Adams and spyder
Allready been passed
I want all of its upgrades the HMS, R-73, new cockpit entirely, etc but pretty much all of those were, “Passed for Consideration,” and lost to time because they will never fix this thing. It is one of the saddest aircraft at it’s br but hasn’t moved since no one plays it. I’d even just be fine with it losing it’s GNSS guided bombs and move down to 11.0 or even 10.7.
Nah that would bump up the BR, that stuff is quite slow at it’s current BR already. I just need the HUD for sim lol
I mean ever since the Su-25s with R-73s moved down honestly the Su-24M2 with R-73s could be 11.7
I object! (No, not the Russian tank series)
I declare that it should go to Israel.
Y’all have your Christian marksman, and can get both the M60 Marksman and M48 Marskman all the same so you don’t need it when those other vehicles solve this issue all the same as it wouldn’t add anything to the techteee. Stawp being greedy, that’s the American mains job lmao. If you can get the M60 Marksman (which you literally already suggested) let us have this please 😭
Let us have a 8.3 SPAA that isn’t the extremely unreliable ZSU-23-4. We need a 35mm Radar SPAA more after all, and the hull’s historical ties from being a Magach 3 should be more than enough cause for gaijin to provide us said vehicle…
(I’m not saying you’re against it, just hoping gaijin gets the memo and someone sees this, if it goes to Britain for some reason I think I might lose it if I haven’t already by then)