same limit as F-35C and 0.5 higher than F-35B
Do we have F-35s in WT?
While here, and in Europe in general, usually British English is taught in schools (insert cultural victory screen from Civ), and British culture has left an impression on me when I was younger through media like Top Gear (insert cultural victory screen from Civ), I’m not British myself, but Hungarian. :P
its okay since we also don’t have MiG-31s in wt
What is there to compare the F-35 against in WT? Coz I am pretty sure comparing the MiG-25/31 to the F-104 gives a pretty good indication of why these interceptors are not fitting for WT gameplay.
i see
Ah a man of culture.
is there a turn graph for the YF-12? would be kinda funny if it could turn better than the MiG
Skunkworks sources would be really hard to track down.
It also wasn’t a combat aircraft so I don’t think turn performance was of any care.
I don’t think it carried weapons either.
YF-12 was meant to be a combat aircraft. and it did fire AIM-47 missiles. once, at mach 3.2 against a target drone
It was meant to carry three AIM-47s, which were long range AIM-4s
Awesome didn’t know that.
I’ll look into it then and see what can be found. Didn’t think they were armed.
It will probably be a MiG-25PD or some sort of conglomerate with bombs as well. I’m looking forward to grinding it.
should be a sqaudron like F117
Maybe, but it’d be the only Squadron Vic I’d ever buy outright.
Add spaa for israel as well
Its the only variant with flares, so technically the easiest to balance as well